(27) Doubts (Harry Styles one shot)

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He was back home again at 1:15 pm. You had gotten yourself tired waiting so long for your boyfriend of 3 years to come back home so you two could cuddle and he could sleep by your side. You woke up with a shudder and rubbed your eyes. "H? Where the fuck were you?" You stood up and waited for him to reply, but he brushed past you and headed to the kitchen. "H, I'm talking to you." You said patiently. No reply. "Harry what the hell?" You yelled. "Y/N shut the fuck up. I need some peace and quiet.. just go to sleep." He said, drinking a cold glass of water and sitting himself on the couch. He picked up the tv remote and fiddled with the buttons. You clenched your jaw and snatched the remote from his hands, leaving him sat with his mouth open in annoyance. "You don't fucking talk to me like that. And no. You're not watching the fucking TV so late at night. Where have you been? You had me worried, you know? I heard from all the boys that they had left home around 9. Where the hell were you Harry?" He rolled his eyes and snapped back. "You're not my fucking mother. Give me back the remote. I've had a long day and I just need some time." He said, grabbing at the remote.

You yank your arm away and hold the control behind your back. "But I am your fucking girlfriend Harry. Tell me what's wrong.. I can make it better.. we can cuddle and tell each other stories.. I can braid your hair.. give you kisses, for old times' sake. You name it baby, I hate seeing you like this. I hate fighting with you." His eyes softened as he remembered how intimate you two used to be. How every night he'd be home early just so eager only to see your face. The way you'd welcome him and give him hugs that'd instantly make his day better. The time when you and him had Friday night date's which always ended in something spicy. But recently all you've been doing was fighting. Over the littlest of things. Friday dates turned into you waiting on him and passing out on the couch. Waking up the next morning to fight about what took him so long to get home. You fought over how he never had time for you anymore, how you tried to keep this hectic relationship going, but you couldn't do it on your own and you needed his cooperation.

"Just please go to sleep. I'll join you in a bit." He says, sighing and laying his head on the armrest. You throw the remote at his stomach causing him to flinch, and walk into the room, slamming it shut. The minute you hit your head on your pillow and cried a few tears, you had been put to sleep. A deep slumber that you needed after the long day you had. Considering Harry wasn't interested in listening to your problems now that he had some of his own that he didn't care to share either. The next time you heard his voice was late in the morning. He had slept on the couch, is what you assumed, because the sheets were just as they were when you had entered the room last night. Your head felt like it was going to burst any minute. You checked the phone for the time. 11:37 A.M. You opened the drawers to get some aspirin but you found it was all out. You always kept some extra medicines in the kitchen drawer that none of you use much. You stood up wearily and walked towards the door when you heard a voice. Then two. It sounded like someone was sobbing. Was it Harry?

"I'm losing her.." a recognizable voice said. It was Harry, and he was crying. You pressed your ear further against the door, forgetting about your terrible headache, and paid very close attention. "What the fuck happened to us Niall? We never fought like this.. never in a million years. Now all we do is fight." "Hey.." A soft Irish accent spoke. "Every relationship has it's own ups and downs. If she really loves you, she would never leave you for such a little reason. And I know she loves you Harry. She waited for you to get home H. She texted all of us enquiring about you, making sure you were alright. She loves you so much Harry. You can't give up on her. She may be the one." You teared up at Niall's words and took a step forward. "Fuck!" You winced. You stubbed your toe on the edge of the wall. Harry heard you, and turned around to face the your room's closed door. "She's probably awake mate. Talk to her." You heard Niall's persuading voice and soft footsteps heading to your room. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." You said, frantically looking for a place to hide before he enters. "Y/N?" He says, voice much softer than it was last night when you fought. "Umm, I was just-" He cut you off by pulling you close and attaching his soft pink warm lips to yours.

He held you there in place for 2 minutes, just savoring the taste of your lips, the ones he rejected last night. "Fuck, I've missed you.." He said, tearing up a little. "H.." You breathed, stroking away the teardrop off his cheek with your thumb. "I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. For everything I did.. everything I said to you not just last night but this whole rough patch we had. I'm sorry I don't spend time with you anymore. I'm sorry baby I really am. I love you so much.. you're the love of my life and I want to marry you one day. You're it for me Y/N.." He croaked, latching his lips to yours again. You closed your eyes, giving into his arms, letting the little tear drop run down your cheek. You held the back of his neck like your life depended on it. On him. He held your hips tight as though if he'd let go, you'd just slip away. "I forgive you Harry. Now move away, I need to make breakfast for you and Niall." You said, breaking away from the trance as you spot your smirking matchmaker Niall leaning against the doorframe.

You give the Irish man a peck on the cheek and walked past him into the kitchen. "Can we call the rest of the boys too?" Harry asked, his phone in his hands, ready to text them. "Sure love." You said, getting the bacon onto the heated pan. In about 10 minutes, all the 5 boys you loved dearly, were sat on the table waiting for breakfast with their girlfriends helping you in the kitchen. Harry walked into the kitchen and hugged you from behind, placing soft kisses on your neck. "It smells so good baby, do you want me to help?" He asks, nuzzling his nose into your hair. "No thank you H.. I have 8 helping hands already." You said, smiling at the girls who stood aside, awing at you and Harry. "Okay now get out of my kitchen." You say, having everyone break out into a loud laugh.

Harry shot you a small, loving, merciful look, that said everything. Suddenly every moment you shared with your boyfriend rushed into your head, making you realize, he was worth everything you lost, and that he was the only one for you. Little did you know, He had planned everything before you had even brought the thought into your head.

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