(13) Family Christmas

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Louis - "Daddy I can't reach the top of the tree" Your 4 year old son whines, holding up the star in his tiny hands. "Here lemme get that for ya lil guy" You hear your husband from across the hall. You giggle at the irony. Yes. He's short. But you're shorter, so you're no one to talk. "There we go. All set?" He says, facing your son. "Yes!!" He jumps excitedly. "Dinner's ready babies. I'll bring the pillows and quilts for movie night." You say, placing a kiss on Louis' jaw. "Daddy?" your son whispers. "Yes?" "You want to know what I asked Santa?" He said, giggling at himself. "What did you ask him?" Louis said, curiously, sitting your son on his lap on the couch. "I asked for a little brother. Leo has one he's really fun. Can you ask Santa to buy me one daddy please?" Louis smiled at his innocence. "You asked Santa didn't you? He'll get you one. In fact, He'll talk to your mommy and make you one tonight." He winks as you enter the room with blankets. "Okay buckle up lovies we're gonna watch the Christmas chronicles." You say, getting comfortable with food, blankets and the two favorite people of your life.

Harry - Harry was on tour, of course. He's been since February and now its Christmas. Your daughter Ella is helping you decorate the tree when the doorbell rings. "Daddy's here daddy's here daddy's here!!" You heard her little voice sing out, running towards the door to open it. You walked behind her, smiling. "No honey, Daddy's not here until next week." You say, picking her up in your arms. You open the door to see Anne and Gemma with Michal all welcoming themselves in. "Heyyy I missed you babe!" Gemma said, hugging you tight. "Missed you too" You said, waving at Michal bringing in the luggage. "Anne" You say, hugging her. "Hi Y/N.. I know Haz is on tour so we thought we'd join you and el this Christmas." She smiled. "Do you have enough food? Harry's hungry." You heard a familiar voice at your door. "Harry!" You run towards him, giving him a long kiss. "Baby" He smiles. "DADDY" Ella yells, running and hugging Harry's legs. "Hi El! I missed you love." "I missed you too.." she pouts. "Okay I love you all but I'm seriously hungry.." Harry says, sitting himself on the table with Ella perched on his lap.

Zayn - It was Christmas morning and you were tangled up with Zayn in bed, covered in think warm blankets and his bare body against you. Your eyes fluttered open to the light and you turned to face the beautiful man asleep beside you. You smiled at his figure and placed kisses on his arm, getting loose of his grip on you. Suddenly you felt- sick. You hop out of bed and rush to the bathroom, and throw up. You thought it was the food you ate yesterday, but you had late periods and you have been trying for quite sometime. You quickly take your pregnancy test, and you're gifted with a positive. Tears rush into your eyes. You quickly wrap the pregnancy test in a ribbon and keep it in a bag under the tree before Zayn wakes up and pulls you to him. "Morning baby" He says, placing a soft kiss to your jaw. "Um, Zayn? Can we open presents first?" You ask, pushing him away slightly. He frowns and says, "Yeah sure love.." You walk him to the tree and pull out the bag. "Open it." He opens the bag and tears well up in his eyes. "I'm- gonna be a dad-" He whispers picking you up and twirling you around. "Best. Present. Ever." He says, kissing your lips deeply.

Liam - You were supposed to be visiting his parents this Christmas year. You weren't going to celebrate really though because your father had passed away the night before and you weren't stable. Of course, Liam was supportive of that, and decided to cancel plans. He said he'd rather stay home with you and help you through this. You loved him for that. You sat in bed cuddled to his chest and cried. "I'm sorry I'm such a burden.. I'm sorry I'm a pathetic girlfriend who can't even let her boyfriend enjoy Christmas without her stupid problems.." Liam put a finger over your mouth. "Baby, you mean the world to me. Any moment with you makes me feel so full.. I'm so sorry about what you're going through.. you're so strong baby.. I love you so much. Please never, never say that about yourself.. because I couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend." He said, kissing your forehead, causing you to tear up. "I'm ordering some pizza okay let's binge friends." He says, picking up his phone.

Niall - You two had been dating for 4 years and every day Niall would make you feel like the luckiest woman in the world. You were getting ready for your 'surprise' date because you didn't know where he was taking you, when the doorbell rang. You opened the door to see Niall in a beautiful blue suit and a bouquet of flowers. "You look absolutely stunning Y/N" He smiled, his eyes glinting in the firelights. "So do you.." You whisper as he pulls you out into his car. "Where are we going?" You giggle as he's dashing through the streets. "You'll see" He says. He takes you to a beautiful beach with Christmas lightings and bends down on one knee as you admire the scenery. "Y/N.. You're the most beautiful person I've known my entire life.. and you make me the happiest man alive. I want to be with you forever.. will you marry me?" You look down at him and stare, too stunned to speak. "Yes" You whisper. "YES YES OH MY GOD YES" You scream, wearing the ring and kissing your fiancé. "I love you" He says, pulling away. "I love you too" You say, your eyes still brimming with tears of joy as you stood admiring the ocean in his arms.

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