(30) Clingy (Harry Styles one-shot)

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"She won't stop suffocating me."

Y/N was a very lovable person. Anyone who talked to her would get intoxicated. Her sweet welcoming personality made it easier for her partners to communicate with her. Not only partners, but even friends and family would seek her advice on any feuds they were going through. She was a humble soul. Never did anything hoping for something in return. All she wanted in return for what she gave was love. And with Harry as her boyfriend, she knew she'd never feel that desire again. She loved being around Harry, although they just started dating about 4 months ago. His presence lightened her up. Usually people would come to her to talk about their bad days, but now she had someone and she was more than happy about it. 

However, recently Harry had been acting kind of strange. He never replied to her constant texts of concern, neither did he tell her where exactly he would be at whenever he went out with his friends. She had a few doubts before about him cheating on her, but she never really believed it could be true. Whatever be the reason, she had to find out what he was hiding from her. And deep down she hoped he wasn't going to end up at another woman's place by the end of the day. She felt bad for having to spy on him and depriving him of his privacy, but the feeling of remorse was eating her up. What if she really was right. What if he really felt like she wasn't good enough for him? The one thing she was good at was loving. Did she manage to fail at that as well? She just had to find out.

She texted Sarah, asking about whether she knew anything about the whereabouts of Harry. She mentioned he was out with Jeff at his place. Y/N took her car and drove to Harry's, stopping at a flower shop just on the way. When she arrived, she spotted a black range rover parked in the lot, presumably Jeff's car. Hopefully, Jeff's car. She stepped in, quietly, making sure her heels don't click too loud when she hears two men speaking. She heard Harry's voice first, gruff and recognizable. "She won't stop suffocating me." He said. Y/N's lips parted. 'She' ? Was he really cheating? Or was he talking about her? She heard another voice. "Hey man, she loves you.. she just wants the best for you. Cut her some slack." She kept listening, trying to figure out who Jeff and Harry were talking about.

"I love Y/N. I really do Jeff. But she's so clingy I feel like I can't move in and out of my own goddamn house freely without giving her a valid explanation. I just want some space. That's all I ask for." Her heart shattered into a million pieces on hearing this. Out of everyone she's ever loved, she had least expected Harry to be the first to think her personality was.. suffocating. She felt warm tears trickle down her cheeks. She quickly headed out of his house and rushed into her car, driving back home trying to forget everything Harry said. Those were the only words that ever made her so insecure about herself. And coming from the one person she trusted and loved from the bottom of her heart made it worse.

As soon as she got home, she took off her makeup and stared at herself in the mirror. Was she really that annoying to be around? All her family and friends enjoyed her company didn't they? Or were they lying and pretending to like her all this time as well? She felt lonely. She had everything she ever needed. Everyone she ever loved. But she doubted everything at that moment. She continued staring at her broken appearance, trying to clean off her makeup. "I have to change." She said to herself, looking at her washed face in the mirror for the last time and turning the lights off. Hopping into bed in her pajamas. 

She hadn't checked her phone all day and didn't notice the text Harry had sent her. 'Hey beautiful. Wanna stay over at my place tonight? We'll watch some movies and cuddle.' Harry was worried when he didn't get her reply. She's probably asleep. He thought. Sliding into the little fort he made out of pillows and blankets, The Notebook, playing on T.V. He looked to his side and frowned at the emptiness. The side Y/N was supposed to sleep in, cuddled up to him, sound asleep to the beats of his heart as he admired her gorgeous face he hadn't seen all day. He realized he was being a jerk, and everything he had said to Jeff that morning, he regretted. Because now that she wasn't with him, he felt incomplete. He realized she was his everything. And without her he didn't feel.

The next morning, Y/N freshened up and went to IHOP for breakfast. She really wasn't in the mood to cook anything at the moment, still drowning with sadness at what she had heard the previous day. Just as she sat and ordered her favorite Tiramisu pancakes, she got a text from Harry. 'Hey baby. I miss you. You must have been asleep when I texted you last night. Want to come over?' You quickly typed in a reply. "I'm sorry H. I'm a little sick. Plus I have tons of work to do. Picked up some extra shifts at the café. Some other day maybe?' She hit send. Lies. Everything she said, lies. It hurt her having to lie to him like that. But that's the only way he'd get his well deserved space from her. 

Harry frowned at her reply and replied with a halfhearted okay, putting his phone down and heading out for breakfast. The next day he texted her again, hoping to see her, but she made up excuses to why they couldn't meet up and how she was busy with her new shifts. Harry was getting impatient. It had been a month without her touch, without her soft kisses and love. He felt so empty and worthless without her. He felt like his life wasn't amounting to anything. He had everything and yet, nothing. He just needed her back with him. He needed things back to how they were. He missed her to death and all he needed was to look at her face. 'Can I please come over my baby girl?' He texted again, only to earn another deny. He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't be away from the love of his life for so long. They had only been dating for 5 months now, but he's never felt so much for a woman. 

He knocked at her door as she opened and a gasp fell out of her mouth. "Harry what are you doing here?" She asked, a little startled from the sudden, uncalled for visit. "I thought you had work to do.." He said, his heart crumbling when he found out she was lying to him. "I- I was actually just finishing up." She said, pointing at the tub of icecream in her hands. "Y/N stop." Harry said, finally letting himself inside her house. "What have I done? Please explain to me.. Why are you avoiding me? Why are you distancing yourself from me? Please tell me what wrong I did because I need to fix it." He said, on his knees and practically begging for a response.

"Isn't that what you wanted? Some space? I thought you said I was suffocating you." She said, tears welling up in her eyes. Fuck. She heard. "Baby fuck. I'm so sorry. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I love you. I know it's too soon but I love  you princess. You're my only muse. Ever since that day you've been so distant my life has just continuously spiraled downhill. I know I was a fucking asshole but I love you to the moon and back. My life without you is a- a void. There's nothing in me, no fucking fiber in me that doesn't regret what I've said. I've never missed anyone this much. Heck I've never felt for anyone this much. I want to have you for the rest of my life. Only if you really want to have me back." He said, Y/N's eyes teary with a wide smile splayed across her face.

"Woah Romeo. I love you too. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted this way." She said, lifting him off the ground and moving his hair off his face, wiping the tears off his beautiful skin. "Fuck I deserved it." He said, holding her face in his palms and pressing his lips to hers harshly. He whimpers at her touch that he had been longing for for a whole month now. He held her and kissed her like he was never going to recover from the fact that that's how it felt not to have her around. Broken, empty, useless. His kiss lingered down her neck and back to her face. He kissed every part of her exposed skin and held her close. "I'm so, so so deeply fucking  sorry." He said, attaching his lips back to hers as they savored each other's taste, that they haven't been able to for a long time.

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