(6) High school crush

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Harry - (Your Pov) "His eyes are such a pretty shade of green... you know he walked passed me after English and I could smell his cologne I'm gonna cry I sound like a fangirl-" You say, sitting with your friends at your café table. "Yes he's cute but doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Zoe, your friend, asked. "Oh? I thought they broke up cuz she was a bitch to his brother Marcel." Lia says. "See and he also cares about his little brother isn't he perfect or what?!" You whine. "Awwwwwww you know I'd be pretty disappointed if you guys didn't talk.." Lia said, pushing you towards Harry. "Oh- h-hi.. I'm sorry my friends hah..." You say awkwardly as he turns around and smiles at you. You try hiding all your blushing but it barely works. He clearly notices. "Hey beautiful.. you wan' me to get tha' f'ya?" He says pointing at the juice carton you dropped. "N-no I got it thanks.." You say, sort of embarrassed. You turned around, about to leave when he said, "Hey.. w ya like to grab a coffee sometime later afteh school? I'd luv to get to know yeh.." He said. You stood there stunned until he called your name. "Y/N? Are you okay?" "Y-Yeah I'm sorry I- yeah !! I'd come.. Thanks" You say, slightly blushing. He smiles and asks, "Okay 5pm tomorrow.. uh Beachwood Café?" "Okay !! I'll be there.. see ya" You say, and leave, immediately texting your friends. "Guys, guess who's going on a date tomorrow 5pm Beachwood Café with Harry :P  x"

Louis - (Your Pov) "Dude he has a GIRLFRIEND shut up about him.." Sel says, rolling her eyes. "But- his smile is flattering no wonder he gets out of detention early EVERY TIME.." You say. "Eleanor is a lucky chick.. she's got the looks and guy I'm so jelly." "What? Eleanor is pathetic- She picks on literally everyone in school cuz she's with Louis Tomlinson THE FOOTBALL PLAYER of THE SCHOOL TEAM like he's the only one playing.. you know the other day? When you and Sarah were getting lunch she came over to me and threw a half eaten sandwich beside me and said "oH i'm sOrRy I mIsSeD tHe tRaSh hAhAhA" Dude she needs he-" "Hey Sel yeah I get it she sucks lets calm down on the mocking shall we? Sarah interupted. "Okay El sucks but LOUIS THOUGH-" You say desperately. "Mhm yeah. I agree. El sucks. But me.. ooh.. what's up gorgeous?" You hear a voice behind you. Your friends start giggling and excuse themselfs off the table. "Oh my god Louis? I'm sorry I didn't mean that about Eleanor- she's great.. I just- she picked on my friends.. it was gossip though seriously she's a wonderful oh and not to mention BEAUT-" He cuts you off and says, "Nah.. she's a bitch.. we broke up months ago.. anyway what was it about me?" "Uhh- oh I'm- I'm sorry I- I- You- You're cool- oh god I- I really gotta go I- I'm sorry" You say, annoyed at the words that came out of you. "See ya tomorrow !!" He yells, and leaves the table. "Curse meee" You mumble.

Niall - (His Pov) Dear diary, I met a girl. Well, few months ago but she's just plain gorgeous. She has the most mesmerizing smile.. and those hazel eyes are to die for.. I really think she has a boyfriend.. Will? I mean- he's always around her.. and definitely not her brother.. I think I'm gonna ask her out someday.. lets hope for the best.. x. He finishes writing in his journal at the lunch table. Just then, a few bullies find their way up to his table. One of them was your ex.. Jason. "Hey hey heyyy would you look at that.. blonde chick has a journal aww what's in it?" They mock. "Hey ! Give me that- Don't open it I- NO" He fights back, trying to stop him from reading the book. "I met a girl.. huh.. plain gorgeous mesmerizing smile.. hazel eyes.. sounds familiar.. you talking about my ex? Dork?" They snarl, holding him by the collar. You walk towards them and slap Jason right across the face. "Stay in your lane Miller." You say, sternly. "Stay, away from her.. blonde crook." Jason threatens. "I'm not yours to protect bastard." You yell as he runs away with his mates. You hated making scenes but the bullying was getting terrible. "I'm sorry Niall.." You hug him as he sobs into your arms. "You think I'm pretty?" You say, smiling at him. "W- well- no that was s-someone else I'm sorry- I don't wan- wanna weird you out or-" You cut him off by placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Meetup at the library 3 today.. cya blondie" You say, winking at him.

Zayn - (Your Pov) Okay. Hottest exchange student. Literally hottest in the school. You were a puddle everytime he walked passed you. You were in the ladies room with your friends, hanging out and gossiping about him. You saw your brother walk out. He'd been going through a lot recently and really needed you. He headed to the mens room and you followed, worried he'd do something and hurt himself again. "Ben.. Ben !! Wait.. DON'T !!" You yell, as he takes out a blade from his pocket. "I CAN'T Y/N.. She's moved on.. She's fucking Trevor.. I LOVED HER I lov-" He collapsed on the floor and cried. "Baby hey she was a jerk honey she's playing with peoples heart.. don't do this to yourself.. I'll take you for brother and sister day after school.. I know you're not 13 anymore but I love you and I can't see you like this.. okay?" You say, comforting him. He agrees, freshens up and leaves the room. Just then, Zayn enteres. "Hey.. this is the mens room right?" He says, in a pretty strong accent. "Oh yeah I'm sorry long story.." He smiles and you never fail to catch his attention ever after that. He meets you at lunch and sits with you at your table. "Hey.." You say, blushing. "Hi" He says, digging into his lunch. "So.. weird way of meeting you but.. I found you interesting.. you're beautiful.. wanna go for coffee sunday evening?" He asks ever so casually. "Oh.. of course !!" You say, giggling. "Here's my number. Call me." He says, and leaves. "Definitely." You smile, holding the piece of paper in your hands.

Liam - (His Pov) Not to brag, but he got every girl he ever wished for in school. Makes sense doesn't it? Cute guys, want girls, cute girls, want them too. Well, you were the talk of the town ever since this boy started having a major crush on you. "Look at her- she's actually so pretty.. Liam look-" Stephan says, eyeing you while you sat at the stadium front seat, reading a book. It was the school football team versus the Birmingham school. You weren't a fan of football, just the players. "How is she so elegant she doesn't even try.. you have any idea how it'd feel to hold her in your arms? Kiss her neck? Her lips.. caress her cheek play with her ha-" "Okay Liam, focus on the game lad." John said "Wait I'll be back." Liam says, walking towards you. "Hey.. Y/N?" He says, holding his football. "Oh hi Liam !!" You say. "Cool book." He says. "It's- about a 9 year old girl who has retrograde amnesia and can't remember her family due to a car accident but okay !! Haha-" You say, awkwardly getting back to your book. "Oh.. aha- uh- sorry.. um- I was thinking... maybe you'd like to catch up on coffee after the match?" He says, with hopeful eyes. "Sure !!" You say. "Great !! I'll text ya !" He says heading back to his teammates. "Just got me a sexy date." He said, smirking at you slyly.

PSSSS - Zayn's idea was all TVD I'm obsessed with Steph and Elena :P

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