chapter 1

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♪•Jᴜʟɪᴀ Mɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟs Fɪғᴛʏ Sʜᴀᴅᴇs - (ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ)

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♪•Jᴜʟɪᴀ Mɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟs Fɪғᴛʏ Sʜᴀᴅᴇs - (ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ)

"do u think it'll work" I asked making my way out from the office taking slow steps my both hands dipped deep inside my pocket while jimin walks besides me "yes i hope so what do you think" he asked I stop on my tracks while his steps stops as soon as mine, I trun my body a little to face him a smirk appears on the corner of my lips while I speak "ofcourse it should and if it didn't"

I stop taking my one hand out from my pocket reaching it up until it reaches my tie I take a hold on it before lossening it a bit pulling it down and then opening the button of my collor to let the fresh air makes contact with my skin beacuse of feeling hot suddenly

I free myself a Little bringing my hand again dipping it inside my pocket while my eyes meet jimin's "then i know how to make it work" i complete while a smirk appears on the corner of my lips my eyes changed there colour and the veins on my neck came in view and he get the point what I meant in a moment after watching me turning myself in my real self

That's who I am he nodded in satisfaction before opening his mouth to speak "well then he has to" he says while his eyes colour change in dark black filling with rage and the viens near his neck also came in view that's who we both are but he's just from a blood line he works for me he's like others but no one is like me

We both are alphas but when it comes to me I'm a little different from other which makes me to rule over all the Alpha blood line I'm there king the obey and serve me they do as I say beacuse they know if they didn't that will be there last and first mistake

There's a time when I don't even have any idead what I am my parents use to lock me in a room and won't let me out especially when it's a full moon outside, that time I don't know why they do this beacuse other alphas use to enjoy there life's but not me

And then soon I get to know I'm not just an alpha but I'm an immortal, i can't be killed or I can never die it's for iternity and it's beacuse of my mother and father blood runs through my viens, my mother is a Seer and my father is an Alpha just like me, they kept it secret from the outside world

Beacuse it's like going against the nature it can't be happen that a Seer and apha are together it can desctroy the whole blood line of alphas and there will be no sighn of them ever existing, and then I enter this dark world to turn it more darker I'm not just a man who can turn into a beast only in a full moonlight I can turn whenever I want but it's not just about that, i can be called alpha but the hidden truth is that I'm not people think that i change into and alpha in full moonlight, but what i become no one knows it's hidden and always will

It's about I crave blood they knew I'm different from others, and somehow I have enough power to destroy whole bloodline of Alphas with my bear hands beacuse just like I said I can't be killed in immortal and being immortal is not that easy there are consciences and that I know at that time how to deal with them with one snap of my finger

Just like as i grown up more my powers start turning to something else, and when they slip out of there nose, my own parents try to end my life knowing I can turn all of them into ashes, but I thought they forgot about the fact that I can't be killed, so as the conclusion I unalive them..

And that when I started ruling all over the kingdom the new blood line comes the old get destroy, time passes and things get changed more then we expected and now at this moment there are very less amount of Alphas are left who's king is still the same I saw the whole century turning into something unexpected normal people start working with us

Just beacuse they're scared of us, as they should be we now rule over normal species the people who are nor immortal like me, or from alphas bloodline but now that I start ruling over these sweet innocent and stupid people it is more fun then ruling over alphas

And there are some who don't even know a penny about us, the people from whome we keep our identity secret until and unless they poke our temper at the edge and then we have to show our real side to them well that's seems so intresting to me sometimes

As so I rule over these pretty delicious species who knows nothing about how I can tear there every single part of body into pieces and drink there blood like a wine in my breakfast, they obey me like a good little childrens they do nothing without my permission they live in the world of darkeness and they knew very well who own this whole ground of blood

We live like normal people in here well we try our best, but I never kneeled down infront of anyone in my whole life beacuse I know how to bent poeple like these on there knees infront of me I rule over them and i will be the only one to rule over there upcoming generation they will die but the king for whome they work will stay the same beacuse I'm a man who has no heart and has power which can't be destroyed

My world is full of darkeness some are unaware of this but whoever enter my world they would have no choice but to bend over there knees like a good little pet and obey my rules and order beacuse of they didn't then there will be no Chance I would let them breath the same air as me

"So I will call him tomorrow to be honest I can't wait" jimin speaks while I trun my body my feets start moving again while he start walking behind me and i murmur to him in return "well not more than me" my eyes turn red as the thought of it came in my mind how can we torture him if he didn't do as I wanted it to be the ring sound enchoed my ears as the elevator door opened up and we step further until we reach inside it

Making our way back our houses he lives near but I didn't the place where I use to spend my life is the same place where my old house use to be i build it down again and trun it into a whole different way yes it's huge for one person beacuse only I live there not anyone else I like to stay alone it help me to think about bussines work how when and what other company we should buy and take it in my hand

I own more then hundred companies at this moment those who didn't want to collaborate with me are sleeping peacefully in there graves, and there are some intelligent people who accept my proposal just like a good little pet accepting there reward swaying there tiny tail infront of there owner just like they do infront of me

And as there luck they are still alive I'm glad that i didn't have to unalive more now beacuse half of the companies knows who I am and no body dares to take a stand against me they know the consciences so they always take a step back and fullfill there needs by the income i provide them and now that I have hundreds of companies in the palm of my hand

And as there luck they are still alive I'm glad that i didn't have to unalive more now beacuse half of the companies knows who I am and no body dares to take a stand against me they know the consciences so they always take a step back and fullfill...

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