chapter 28

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

He stops on his tracks as soon as he rechaed infront of the old house, his eyes furrowed while he turned his body whole facing the small house, he scan it for a moment it looks like no one lives here he knows there is a small House in here already, but somehow he doesn't feel like no body is here

Something is there which is making him curious to check inside and he would never miss a chance when it is about that angel, he's looking for, he moves further his feets moving slowly his eyes fix on the house when the wave of wind makes contact with his face and he saw something moving on the other side of house

His eyes quickly stares at the same direction they changed there colour into bloody red dark more then the surrounding around him, he turned his body walking to the other side of the house and he breathed out as soon as his nostrils got fully filled with the sweet delicate aroma of fresh pomegranates

His eyes turns more darker while the viens on his neck came in veiw he quickly look up only to saw a small balcony the windows are wide open and the curtains are flowing with the Rythm of wind, he walked further with slow steps standing right infront of the balcony his eyes not leaving from exact spot and when the wind blows again

His lungs filled with the same sweet delicious smell and he knows the scent so well, it is clearly confirm for him that it's her, without wasting any seacond he jumped up hiegh landing right inside the balcony his eyes turns darker while he straight himself slowly the curtains are see throught he breathed out when he looks up

He can clearly see a figure sleeping in the small room, the room is so small he can see it whenever curtains moves, his eyes gazing on the figure knowing very well it's her he can have a peek of her perfect body lying on top of the small bed, walking in further he didn't takes his eyes away from the one spot while slowly bringing his hand up to remove the curtains

He step in more further and his eyes turns even more darker while he breathed out and cleanched his jaw the beautiful sight infront of him is breathtaking, the smell of her blood continuesly filling his mind and body up, while her sight makes him want to take her all in drink her all in once wander her right now

The room is too small the bed in which she was lying is perfect for her body small just like her, without taking his eyes away from her face wanting to have a peek but couldn't beacuse of her hairs covering them, he bend down before getting on top of her bed crawling over her small body

His eyes scanning her whole body the way silk robe was kissing every curver of her body perfectly, the way she was lying his eyes scanning her from toes to her head before he finally howered his both arms trapping her in between him while his eyes fix on her beautiful sight her one hand resting on top of her belly so effortlessly

While the other one resting near her face on the same pillow, her face tilting to her right facing the balcony while her smooth long brown hairs resting on top of her cheeks, he leaned in closer, until he felt her warm breath hitting on his lips making him satisfied, while a smirk appreas on the corner of his lips so much satisfied to find her finally

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