chapter 27

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

I bang on the table in anger, the viens on my neck poping out while my eyes turns bloody red turning around i make my way outside the room my head was feeling like it is going to explode every sense is hieghtening due to anger, Johnathan just tell me he couldn't help me beacuse the man we're trying to find

Is using hiding spell so that we can't locate him somehow he knows our every next step and it's may be beacuse he knows black magic he's hiding by the help of it Jordan the same man who have triggered alot of people to kill me teached them black magic knowing very well I'm immortal and can't be dead

Still he tries his best to do anything how can somehow have that much of patience and hate both in this much of quantity

Marching towards the hall again i walk until i reach near the table grabbing the bottle of wine i pour myself drink inside the glass before bringing it near my mouth and drinking it all in once my eyes burning in anger my body heating up while my head start hurting and somehow i felt a little pain on my wound

Resting my both palms on the table i bend my body down and head hung low, while I try my best to control myself not to just break the table into pieces infront of me when i felt a hand on my shoulder my body reacts momentarily i shrugged him away every viens on my neck popping out i could kill anyone at this moment without even thinking twice

"Jimin don't better stay quiet for you right now" i growel in anger my body shivering in rage while my voice came out low and deep when i felt the glass which I am holding in my hands got broken due to the force I'm holding it with

The broken glass fell down while bring my hand up before turning it around it was now all coating in blood wounds all over my palm i stare at it for a moment while my breathing quickens even more and the wound quickly starts healing slowly getting healed on it's own this time it happens fast beacuse of the anger building inside of me

While usually it almost take an hour to get healed but Not this time turning around without even glancing at any of them my mind not working properly while only one though running inside it walking straight towards the door i kick open it my eyes still red as it is while i walk out

Jimin quickly follows me outside the house, walking towards the car i stand infront of the driving seat "keys!!" I asked him and he quickly dipped his hand inside his pocket in search of it before quickly throwing it in my direction opening the car door i sit inside starting the engine while jimin takes his seat

I saw Johnathan staring at us while standing on his door while i changed the gear and turned the car around making our way back i felt jimin wearing seat belt fast, and sticking his back on the seat to keep himself still on the way I am driving faster then i have ever been

My mind was fucking things up and all i crave and want infront of me is that woman, i want her infront of me no matter what i want to see her so badly that's the only thing which can make me calm and i knew it, i want her on my lap more at each and every second pass i crave her too much right now that i wouldn't care if i have to run towards her

Or even we gotten in accident beacuse of my fast driving, i couldn't care any less then to have her around me i want her i can't get Jordan but I will get that angel in every possible way I want make sure she never leaves and would never want nothing more then me, to make sure I would never have to use locator spell to find her make sure she never leaves my side

I stop the car as soon as we reach near our company "go I'll be back" i Said to him without even glancing at him my hold on the staring wheel gets tightened while my jaw clenched if i even look at anyone right now i would just rip there heart of there body no matter even if it's jimin, he stare at me for a moment i can see him from the corner of my eyes his every move he huffed and opened his seat belt before quickly opening the door and stepping out

As soon as he shut the door i didn't even let him enter the building or walk away i start driving again the need and argue to have her is so strong that i couldn't THINK of anything else right now not even a bit not even about Jordan just the only thing running inside my head her and her as whole

I want to pull her over my lap so badly want to feel her soft warm body pressing against mine, the sweet innocent reactions seh gave on my every touch i want to wonder what else I could do to her when she reacts on my touch i want to know everything about her where she hides what's her past why is she running from someone

Or the most important thing the thought of anybody else touching her the ring in her hand know about her everything related to her and then keep her to me, or to just have her fucking breathtaking beautiful face infront of me, right at this moment

My ears craving to hear the soft appealing melody coming from her pretty little mouth, want to peek through her beautiful golden eyes and right inside her soul take her all in control dipp my face in the small curver of her neck and sniff her natural pomegranates scent, i want to tell her all the filthy things i think about her

I want to make her cheeks flushed with my dirty mouth and her body flushed with desire"

Not in a chance in hell I'm letting to go her, or let anyone take her even if she doesn't want me i will make her want me on every perfect way I know

I press the breaks as soon as I reached near the lake area it's dark outside it'll get hard for me to find her but i Dont care, i just want her i don't even care if it takes out hours or days for me but i will only go back if i got to know where the hell that demon hides, so good in hiding and i would not like more then to hunt her down

Everytime she runs away from me i would love to hunt her, no matter how many times I will always cought her beacuse she could never be able to hide from the monster itself especially when she was hiding on the place where i rule and own

Opening the door i step out, removing coat from my shoulders throwing it somewhere between the woods while i start walking my feets move fast while my gaze start turning darker bringing my hand up to loose my tie and open the upper buttons of my shirt to let the air pass due to how hot I am feeling beacuse of my body heating up sweat dripping down from the sides of my forehead

My phase fastened even more eyes scanning every inch every area every part, on the ground of death running everywhere in search of the treasure to get it before anyone else touch it

Looking everywhere as it is i stop on my tracks in a moment when something catches my attention I take steps backwards until i reach the same place walking backwards without even turning around and standing still before turning my head to my right

An old house right infront of me

An old house right infront of me

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