chapter 4

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♪•Jᴜʟɪᴀ Mɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟs Fɪғᴛʏ Sʜᴀᴅᴇs - (ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ)

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♪•Jᴜʟɪᴀ Mɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟs Fɪғᴛʏ Sʜᴀᴅᴇs - (ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ)

I heard the door being open while I kept myself at the same position, slow footsteps start approaching at my direction stopping on one spot after a while my back rests on the chair while the man standing behind me doesn't speaks

I brings my both hands up near my face my fingers entangling together while I put them under my chin tapping my fingers on the back of my hand when I open my mouth to speak making my voice cold and dark to my eyes turning red as I sense the nervousness building inside the man who just entered my office "speak!!"

I move my leather chair side to side with my one foot while i stretch my one hand back reaching the table behind me until i find the hypnosis pendulum I click open it and the tickling sounds start enchoieng my office as soon as the man start speaking the sounds it makes helps me not to burst in anger so easily if some new comer enters to meet me in my office

Beacuse some of them usually don't know me so well, "S-sir I have a deal for you, we have build a hotel at the end of Trace it's like a hotel has many rooms but it looks like villa from outside it's huge too, we have also provided some ancient painting and arts on the every corner to attract people, there on the end of it we provided and museum it's small but we have make sure we places every essential thing in there"

I hummed in response while he continued "and we try our best to make it work but it didn't and now" he stops I can hear him taking a deep breath and then breathing out "we want you to buy it" I stop the chair so it stops moving while in a swift I turn it around now facing him finally

My eyes truns dark and red while he quickly looked down as soon as his eyes meet mine, i can see the sweat sliding down the sides of his face "so you're here to sell garbage" i speak while i stretched my one hand and stopped the pendulum with my index finger

He tilted his head up meeting my gaze while he open his mouth trying to speak while i stare him with my darkest gaze peeking through his soul trying to read what he wants to say "S-sir please give it a chance i hope you will like it" he speaks now finally his words shuttered

While i stare at him deep in his eyes when I hummed in response my gaze turning darker red, the viens from my neck to face start coming in veiw as soon as the smell of blood makes its way through my nostrils, i can smell it clearly he quickly looked down, my eyes scanning the way blood was flowing through th vienes on his neck

I tilt my head to the right closing my eyes trying to divert my mind and as the conclusion he's human not and alpha, "hmm" i speak now finally getting up from the chair pushing it back by my legs while i slip my both hands inside my pockets he looked up watching my every action as I take slow steps towards him "is that so then let me clear one thing to you"

I speak stepping more closer until I'm standing right infront of him, my eyes scanning the way he was nervous as hell "if i didn't then you have to get through some consciences" a smirk appears near the corner of my lips while my words came out more like a whisper to him he gulped making me satisfied

"Y-yes sir" he replied looking down not daring to look up i take one step back eyes on his terrified figure "good now leave" my voice came out low and cold while he quickly bowed and turn his heels around towards the door walking as fast as he can while I scan his every move until he step out and the door behind him gets shut again

I turn around to sit back on the same spot when the door gets open again I take I seat and huffed when I saw jimin entering the room, i eyed him scanning the way bright smile is plastered on his lips and the way he was walking too fast i leaned my back against the chair while i raise my one eye brow at him until he stands right infront of my desk "what?" I ask

And he smiles brighter there's always something about his smile which makes me think what he has done now I huffed again and bring my one leg on top of other just like before "i hope you're not going to stand here all day with that cheep smile on your face without uttering a word" i throw out while he rolled his eyes before pulling one chair out to sit infront of me

I scan his every move while he sits making sure he feels comfortable "guess what?" He said making me nothing more but to just rip his heart out he gets by the way my eyes turns dark like he readed my mind with my face expression that how much I want to make him suffer right now and he quickly speaks "oh well it's better if I tell you, so I'm throwing a party" he says

While I sit straight tugging on the collor of my coat and running my flat Palm on the sides to make it hung on my body perfectly before buttoning the open buttons while i speak turning my gaze back towards him again "for what" i grab the file placed on the corner of my glass table while hearing him speaking again "oh just like this you know"

I stop on my tracks staring at him for a while, the same smile was there on his lips not fading in any way sometimes he makes me think what the hell makes him so happy out of no where whenever we meet there's always his smile which makes me pissed off and I don't know why "well I'm not surprised what else I can expect from you" i reply

Opening the file now my gaze shifts from him to the open white pages resting infront of me "you are coming" i hear him while reading the file noting down every single important deatil in my mind "who said" I ask while i can see his expression Changing from the corner of my eyes he stare at me for a moment before speaking "you'll get fresh blood to drink from those half naked girls your majesty, who loves throwing themselves on you and i really feel like you need some cuz it's been a while you know"

His smiles truns brighter when I tilted my head up to stare at his face "do you think I really need to drive to your place if I crave for fresh blood Mr park jimin?" I asked a mischievous smile appears on the corner of my lips I can kill whoever and whenever I want and i think he forgot that so it becomes necessary for me to remind him before closing the file and turning my body towards him now facing him properly

His smiles fades "well i didn't think about that" he says looking down sqeezing his eyebrows together thinking about something before tilting his head up to look at me again with that bright smile "still you're coming i don't care there will be no party if you won't that's it" he Said before getting up and heading towards the door i roll my eyes in annoence I breathing out while he walked and i finally speak

"Time" he quickly steps and turned back while i didn't look up opening the file again I start reading it I can see the way he was smiling without even looking up "same as always" he says I looked up to stare at him smiling as expected while he  walked out before closing the door behind him I press the bell placed on the corner of my table while my one worker barged in quickly wasting not another seacond

"Yes sir" he bowed infront of me while i keep my eyes on the file "bring me a bottle of wine"

"Yes sir" he bowed infront of me while i keep my eyes on the file "bring me a bottle of wine"

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