chapter 11

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

A smirk appears on the corner of my lips knowing the little angel laying on my bed doesn't have any idead that her life and death both are now in the devil hand the king of blood, she's now at my place where I ruled and she's didn't have any idead she's at the place where she doesn't belong but I will make her stay

This angel walked her beautiful ass right into the demon liar and this demon has no plans of ever letting her leave, she's caged now under the devil's eyes itself every part of her body, and i will make her know that too as soon as possible

Keeping my eyes on her i take a last sip from my wine my eyes turning dark as soon as I put the glass on the small table beside me before getting up from the couch when I saw the Little angel moving, walking towards the bed where i lay down her precious body when i bring her at my place, i have never let anyone enter my room nor i let any woman to even lay on the same bed where i sleep

But this little angel has trapped the devil itself in her beautiful wings that I don't want to leave, i can't help but bring her to my room not thinking of anything else just wanted to adore her as much as i can I want her near I don't want to take my eyes away from her while she was asleep it's like i want to kept her to me like this always so she would never leave beacuse I know very well as soon as she wakes up the first thing she will is to left my side

I make her lay down on the same bed as mine, even having her wings she is too small lying on my bed she bearly cover the half of it even though she has wings covering the half bed too, the angel lying on the same bed as devil's, and that's making me satisfied even more

I stand on the edge of the bed my gaze turning darker as soon as my eyes landes on her angeletic face again, I bend my body down not daring to remove my eyes away from her face, i bend down until my both hands landed on the bed trapping her body from both sides before crawling up to her, to have her lying underneath me while my broad frame towers on her delicate figure

She fucking small under me, even my one palm is bigger then her her whole face, my eyes didn't leaves her while i hower on top of her her eyes are closed tiredly like they get good sleep from years, i leaned closer near her face until her warm breath finally touched my lips making me satisfied I don't know what is she Fucking doing to me

I have never reacted like this before especially whenever it's about Seer's i should kill her just like do with other but there is something about her which is making me want to keep her to me, not wanting to let go and the fact that I don't know why is she effecting me so much is fucking driving me crazy that every sense inside my head was blowing up

My eyes turns red and my jaw clenched when i sniff the smell of her blood, the first thing which makes me curious her blood smells like normal humans the ones I drink but not as same as them, her blood smells so fucking different from the ones I have before in my whole life she Fucking smells deliciously sweet like sweet juicy fruite one bite can send you to heaven and that what I always feel

Whenever the smell of her blood fills my lungs consuming me all in control compeletely that I won't more nothing to just have a feast on her right now, and her smell is strong like the smell of her blood is mixing with the aroma of her how she smells her scent the way her body smells it's fucking addictive

It's sweet and strong where you want to drown yourself as whole and never come out she's whole is made like this where i want to drown deep down and would never came out, i take a deep breath in inhaling the escence of her body deeply and as soon as they fills my nostrils it compeletely fills my mind and heart all in once

I pulled back enough to stare at her face i don't know why but I have never show anyone mercy not even I have soft spot of jimin or anyone who beg infront of me, but this little demon lying under me has me so fucking out of control my gaze softened against my will as soon as they lands on her angeletic face, her beautiful sight is enough to make me mesmerized by her

Her lips almost brush mine as soon as my eyes lands on them i bring my one hand up my other hand rests on the pillow right beside her face, her face was inches apart from mine her every breath hitting on my lips, i bring my other hand up to her face putting my index finger under her chin

Before applying a little force just to have her face right infront of me tilting her head up by putting my finger under her small chin and now her lips brush on mine our breathing mixing together my eyes turning dark red like a night without moon, she's fucking making me addictive of her

Her lips her soft even if they only brush on mine they are fucking soft plump and juicy they're like if i press only a peck on them I would get to taste to the most sweetest fruit every and if I get to feast on them compeletely then they will consume me to them compeletely that I would never want to pull back

They are fucking shiny they have natural gloss on them having a slight shade of rose soft like a petal, and juicy like a most sweetest fruit in her paradise her lips brushing on mine is enough to drive me crazy I wonder what it would feel like if i wonder her whole body in once i would reach heaven itself alive

I can't help but bring my thumb slightly up to rub it on her lower lip and fucking hell they're softer and juicier then I have expected making me growel near her pretty mouth in a low voice, the need to pull them between my teeth and feast on them right now as much as i can is so strong that i don't have any idead how much u can hold myself in not to have her

Her warm breath getting inside my head her mouth is slightly aparted to breath her white shiny teeths are peeking under her upper lip making her to look more fucking perfect and delicious, my eyes wanders from her lips to her small nose resting in the centre of her face it is sharp compelimenting her face features perfectly my eyes wanders up more to her beautiful eyes

Which are tiredly shut her eyes are the window through her paradise the window through her soul just look at them and you'll know what she's feeling it's and i love to have a peek in them whenever they meet mine

Her eyelashes are long and thick her eyes are unique i have never saw someone having eyes like here they have a perfect sharp shape and soft yet delicate, they tell how innocent she is the way she would look in your eyes i would love to have them open again and peeking right into mine telling me just by her eyes everything about her

The skin of her cheeks they are red like rose naturally, her skin is soft golden and clear with no spot where i would love to sink my teeth deep until i get to feast on her sweet blood love to decorate her with bites all over and won't left even a inch without claiming her to let everyone know with whom she's has been with

I bring her head back down softly removing my hand from under her chin while my eyes kept on scanning her face her wings her all in once i bring my same hand up and brush the back of my index finger on the smooth golden skin of her face from her forehead to her cheeks then her jawline mesmerized by her breathtaking sight infront of me

She's fucking my mind up like a drug"

She's fucking my mind up like a drug"

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Seer and Sinful • KTH | +18Where stories live. Discover now