chapter 90

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

I take a deep breath in when the cold breeze touches my face my hairs flow rhythmaticlly to its rhythm, my mouth aparted, to breath the fresh air it's been now more then weeks I've been living with him, the man i have trusted on the very first day don't know what realation I had with him but my heart says it's very pure and beautiful

That i give my whole self to him on the first night, and i don't care anything more then but to crave for him, till now i wanted nothing more since i came here, it felt home on the night when he take me so hard i remember just his name and who he is and some words he said to me, nothing more not about my parents nothing about what happens Between us just his name just him

And I'm still curious to know about him more, i have asked him but he says I will get my memory back and i don't have to worry, and to be honest since the day i came here the way he makes me feel i wanted to be with him more then getting my memory back

A gasp leaves my mouth as i quickly take a sharp breath in when i felt a strong arm coming to wrap around my body, my breathing quickens i take a deep breath in as soon as his large palm got pressed over my belly, making me breath sharply again, when he pulled my body back closer to his my eyes got shut and my back meets his broad frame

"You're coming with me" he ordered his lips brush on my ear lob making me take a deep breath again when his every hot breath hits under my ear making me gulp his whisperes sends my mind in frenzy while his deep velvety voice sends chills down my whole body, making my knees week in one whisper his words makes my eyes turns golden as i put my both hands on top of his which was pressing tightly on my belly keeping me close

"Wh-where?" I asked him he dipped his face in the curve of my neck from behind, i can feel his dark gaze fixed on me his every move making me week making me want to stay with him trust him even more opening his mouth he placed a soft wet kiss on the same spot enough for me to let out a soft sinful moan "your favourite place" his words makes me breath out

While i hold my breath in arching my neck when he nuzzle his nose deeper in my skin taking a deep breath in inhaling in my escence deeply he hummed in satisfaction near my skin sending vibration sensation all over my whole body "my favourite place?" I asked him again i don't even remember what is use to be my favourite place and he quickly shushed me

"Shhh" he grunt after shushing me opening his mouth and taking the flesh of my neck between his teeths before taking me by surprise, as he picked me up in bridal style, my breathing quickens my heart start pounding faster, he pulled me closer to his body before his face dissapeared in between the crook of my neck

My breathing became heavy when he sniff in again, before breathing out and tilting his face to press a soft wet kiss on my jawline "hold tight" he warned as i did wrapping my both arms around his neck my fingers run through his dark locks as he kept on kissing my neck making me gulp his kisses makes it even harder for me to breath when soon i felt his jumping making my heart almost stop as i hold tighter on him

His grip on my body tightened more making sure i won't fall while his name came out of my mouth "t-tae" i squeeze my eyes shut it felt like I'm going to fall right now knowing very well he just jumped from the balcony and before i process i heard him speaking "we're here" his words are enough to bring me back to my senses as i tilt my head up his eyes meets directly mine

They are dark my mouth aparted to breath and my eyes shimmer when i saw the blood in his eyes moving and i turn my head to front just to spot a huge lake infront of my eyes my breathing quickens as soon as I did he gently make me stand on my feet while my eyes start filling with warm water i have seen this, i have seen this in my glances the lake my words got stuck in my throat i felt like falling apart

Also the fact how did he bring me here this fast making my heart beat wild as i quickly turn to face him, my both palms lands on his chest and his one arm came to wrap around my tiny body without wasting a second he pulled me closer to him making my back arched as i try to speak to him but nothing came out a tear rolled down my eyes as i finally speak "h-how di-did you do- tht w-what?" Before i complete he cut me

Placing his index finger under my chin and lifting my face up to meet his shushing me before pressing his lips on mine, making me shut my eyes again, his hands wanders up to my back, kissing me deep and passionately his lips devours mine making my mind blank and to focus on only him his hand gently pulled on the small knot of my dress

Leaving it open, before tugging on it slightly just to make it fall on the ground effortlessly, i gasped and the kiss broke as soon as the cold wind makes contact with my bare body, his grip around my body tightened, making me press all over him, i gasped when i felt the fabric of his shirt brushing on my my nipples i slowly open my eyes to meet his my breathing gets slower while he leaned closer the viens on his neck slowly moves

Making me take a deep breath "i hate it when you ask questions about the things you already know" he speaks his voice came out deeper and darker making my body shudder in his arms his one hand slowly slides from my waist to my outer thigh, placing soft wet kisses all over my neck making my neck arch and he make a firm grip on my hips gently sinking his nails in my skin before in a moment i felt our bodies diving deep inside the water

My eyes got shut tightly, and my body gets froze he keeps me in his arm while my legs float inside the water, he take me deep and i felt my whole body covering with water Couldn't be able to process my mind goes blank and my body stops moving when the flashes start crossing my mind

I felt like wanting to leave the water right now but couldn't, the flashes are too fast that i didn't even get what's happening around me anymore, i saw it i saw everything who carved those initial in my thighs my dad my mom the untold truth my dad hides from me what i did last time who whisperes those words i kept on seeing it my body felt like my soul left it i remember everything i almost died but the man i love the most saves me like he has always done, the way he never let me leave and he didn't

He's still near me, and before i could process anything more i got pulled out of the water

He's still near me, and before i could process anything more i got pulled out of the water

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