chapter 45

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

He sits on the corner of bed right infront of her his back was facing her when she wakes up and slowly Sits up, after coming in her senses totally she realised what has happened she's alive, but not dead, her eyes wanders from herself to the man sitting infront of her his broad back makes her gulp when she opens her mouth to speak while her eyes got filled with warm salt water

"T-taetae" a soft appealing voice enchoed his ears but he didn't budge his eyes turns Dark red while he kept on sitting on the same position, his jaw cleanched whenever the sight of her almost dead just runs through his mind, while he kept on playing with his pocket knife pushing opening it with his thumb and closing it back while repeating this in loop

The viens on his neck start coming in view while he stare at his pocket knife for moment more when he finally opens his mouth to speak "what are doing under water sweetheart?" He asks his voice came out deep and raspy making the woman behind her gulp a tear rolled down her eyes when she remembers what she just saw

He wanted to confirm one more time to know wether she did is all by herself or someone else had just forced her, and if she did by her choice then why? "I-i saw that a-aagain" she speaks her voice breaks while her breathing quickens his eyes darkens when only her half words are enough for him to know it's her wanting to kill herself

"Th-this time m-my da-dad and f-fiance h-he t-they k-killed you" she sobbed while his jaw clenched even more and his grip on the knife becomes tighter when he knows she's crying it's somehow making him furious that why she just try to end her life beacuse of the man who can't be killed just for some stupid illusion she saw

"A-and it's be-beacuse of me" she speaks her voice breaks while silent tears flow out of her eyes he stops moving the knife and not wasting a moment he gets up, the viens on his neck reaching till his face they turned into black colour when he finally turned around her eyes meets his, while his sight makes her gulp she breathed in taking a long deep breath

Or how dangerous he looks his eyes filling with blood with his viens moving like there's not even real, locking his eyes with hers not letting her look away she gets froze her mouth aparted to breath while she didn't budge to looks away when his dark eyes take control over her all, her soul her mind her body all in once

Bending his body down he placed his both hands on both the side of her body before crawling up on top of the bed, her breathing quickens when he leaned closer and bring his one hand up to grip her nape placing his large plam on the back of her neck before leading her head down on the pillows as he hovered on top of her, her eyes innocently stares at him not knowing what is happening leaning down

He bring his face right infront of hers until his hot breath hits her lips, his eyes wanders from her eyes to her nose then lips wandering all over her face, with his eyes got filled with darkness and lust, taking control over his mind and body both together, his thumb slowly moves up and down the side of her face while she stays still

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