chapter 67

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

I gasped as soon my bear feets touched the cold floor he hummed near my skin, in satisfaction after sniffing on to my pomegranates escence again, the viens on his neck moves while he keep his face dipped in the crook of my neck for a moment, his strong arm circling around my waist keeping my body close to his, when soon i quickly take a sharp breath in when water droplets start pouring over my face, my mouth aparted to breath while my body shiver in his arms

Ditaching his face from my neck he brings his face up, while bringing his one hand up my breathless state as he opened the shower without even informing me, his index finger makes contact with my chin, placing it under my chin before lifting my face up to have me infront of him, he forced my head more up until his mouth hovers over mine, making sure his lips brush when he speaks on my lips

My eyes got shut beacuse of the water droplets when i heard him speaking his dark lustful gaze wandering all over my face scanning every inch perfectly "strip for me like a good girl" he ordered his voice came out darker and raspier sending wave of shock all over my whole body as i gulp keeping my eyes shut holding my breath in "I'll be right back in a moment" he compeletes softly Cressing under my lower lip

With the pad of his thumb all i could do is to just nod when i feel his grip around my waist loosening up as he leaves me from his hold before turning around and making his way outside, i open my eyes before they wander all over the bathroom, the whole bathroom is made of glass my eyes turns golden while slowly turning around i scan it all

Over from up to down before now finally facing the show, i lift my head up, just to feel water hitting on my face directly slowly closing my eyes before taking my both hands up to my shirt, his shirt which he makes me wear last night, slowly unbuttoning the buttons before fully removing it from my body, sliding it down my shoulder and soon the fabric fall down

A smile appears on my lips feeling water running all the way through my whole body, kissing my every inch, and i slowly open my eyes they turn golden brown whil i enjoy every drop when it makes contact with my bear body bringing my hand up towards the shower my smile widening, i love water so much i can spend my whole life inside the lake near and could never get enough of it

And i couldn't bare myself when i stand under the shower, the way it sprinkles down my body it makes me so happy that i almost forgot about everything that happens to me, or happening to me, my hands play with the water automatically enjoy every moment, i can play like this whole day standing as it under it, my eyes sparkle more when i heard a same deep dark familiar voice but i care less

I gasped when his one strong arm came to wrap around my tiny body, pressing his large palm flat over my belly before pulling me back a little making my back to lean over his broad chest "that's right good girl don't stop" he speaks right near my ear cheers me even more with his words making me Chuckle in a low tone, his lips brushing over my ear lob

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