chapter 7

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

"you need this" i tilt my head up when I heard jimin only to saw him holding a glass of wine in his hands, i take my hand up to grab the glass of wine in my hand, i don't think now i need this at the fact of that slut sleeping beside me but at what I just saw right now the woman who has me stop on my tracks in her one glance my mind can't stop thinking about her

How the fuck can someone be so unbelievably beautiful I have never saw someone like her, she's fucking perfect and the other thing which is making my mind blow is that she has wings I remember very clearly they are white and beautiful as much as her, i have her one glance and I'm already craving for more and the things that I don't know anything about her is making every viens on my neck to pop out

My eyes turning red while i brings the glass near my lips, taking a sip the sweet taste linger on my tongue as soon as i gulp it, my eyes wander to the glass I'm holding in my hands the staring at the red clour it has all i could see is her again, the way she looked up like an angle alive directly looking at the devil

All which is running inside my head is her, the way she was scared the way she breathes in long heavy breathing, the way her eyes shimmer they're golden as beautiful as her own self, my thoughts get intrupted when i hear a voice enchoieng in my ears "good morning" i keep my eyes on the wine glass while my jaw clenched when the woman behind me slides her hand down my shoulder

Reaching my chest, and i get in a moment that she's the same slut i fucked last night, her lips brush on my earlob I bring the glass of wine near my lips again taking another sip, feeling her breath touching the skin of my neck, my mind is already fucking things up my blood is boiling and need to see that creature infront of my eyes again was crippling

Enough that even if I rip someone's heart out with my bear hands is not enough for me, even I don't have any idead what the fuck is happening inside my head how the fuck her one sight can make my senses blown up this much, and the bitch behind me doesn't have any idead what she's doing to herself only if she continued this more i don't think she will be able to stand here alive anymore

"You said you will kill me" i heard her speaking again the viens on my neck popping out reaching till my jawline and now on my face, i can feel someone's terrified eyes on me, but i didn't care she cressed my other shoulder while she smirks near my skin when I heard her speaking again "but you didn't i know you won't"

I breathed out her words are making my senses blow up more and i don't think if it get out of my control I would let any person in this rome to leave alive, i close my eyes trying my best to control my anger "get away from me now" my voice came out deep and husky bearly able to speak properly at the fact how much my body is heating and my senses are weak

She chuckled making me huffed and that's enough for me to loose my all control in once, I bring the glass of wine near my lips drinking it all in once before throwing it away with force i hear the glass breaking into pieces my eyes turns darker red while i take my one hand back until i grip on the side of her neck

I pulled her down to have her face right infront of me before pulling her face up with a tight grip she put her hand on mine which was gripping her neck with a grip that she chok right now, i dig my face in the curve of her neck before opening my mouth and digging my teeths deep inside her skin

Her body jolts with pain and my eyes turns bloody red when i suck hard on her viens of blood drinking her all in once she taps on my hand multiple times to release her but i didn't i bring my other hand to pinned hers on her back, a growel leaves my mouth in anger and i quickly throw her body away after drinking her all in once

Resting my back against the couch the i tilt my head up to stare at the ceiling, every sense in my body is heightened beacuse of the fresh blood which I have intake right now, my breathing is fast due to anger while i bring my one hand up near my mouth wiping away the blood on my lower lip with my thumb before bringing my head back to stare the woman lying lifeless near my feets

I get up from the couch grabbing my coat and slipping it in my arms making it hung on my body before tugging on the buttons and closing them my eyes on her while a smirk appears on the corner of my lips in satisfaction, i wear the tie and start walking without tightening it around my neck

I step out of the room looking up just to saw jimin walking to the direction of the same room where her body was lying, he gets confused watching me suddenly leaving and ask as i expected "heyy taehyung you okay are you leaving?" I stop on my tracks standing right infront of him while i dipped my both hand inside my pocket

"Yes and for your information there is a body lying in that room" i gesture him with my eyes to the room behind me before giving him a fake smile and i walk passed by him, leaving him standing as it is on his place with his mouth hung open in shocked and eyes widen

I walked out of his place taking out my keys and opening the door of my car sitting on the driving seat I start driving making my way back to my mansion, I'm driving but my mind still thinking about her I can't stop even if I want to all the way the only thought that was running inside my head that who was she why I didn't know about her

I press the breaks when i finally reached my place, parking the car on the same place where I always do, walking straight to the main door pushing it open i enter my eyes scanning my whole hall while i step forward unbuttoning my coat removing it from my body and throwing it ok top of the big couch placed in centre walking to the bar area

I open the refrigerator taking out a bottle of alcohol and walking to the counter I put it on top of it before opening it grabbing a glass and pouring myself drink knowing that this is the only way to make myself calm

I walk back to the couch taking slow steps my mind still thinking of her not taking her away for a moment, my one hand opening the buttons of my white shirt lossening up my tie while taking a sip from my drink

I take a seat on the couch resting my whole body tiredly on top of it, my legs spreading while my one hand gripping on the glass of alcohol my eyes turning red as soon as I remember her face the way her eyes directly meets mine i want to know what was she how the hell she has wings I bring my body back resting my both elbows on top of my knees

Time skip I kept on sitting on the same spot until i finish my drink taking the last sip and putting the glass on the table infront of me and a sudden thought came inside my head making me smirk the only way I can know about what she was is in my own house

Time skip I kept on sitting on the same spot until i finish my drink taking the last sip and putting the glass on the table infront of me and a sudden thought came inside my head making me smirk the only way I can know about what she was is in my ...

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