chapter 9

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

Her heart was beating fast her whole body is shivering her eyes changing there colour just like the light coming out from her whole body she doesn't have any idea what to do what she has done her breathing is heavy the body lying infront of her is beacuse of her

The same man who was trying to take her with him but the rage inside her grow more and the way she was scared what all what she has gone through is making her more scared of every thing around her, her heart beating like it's going to explode out her rib cage her body shivering like she has taken a bath with freezing water

The panic taking control over her, the raises coming out from her body aren't dissapearing now and then, it's just getting hieghtened by the way she was panicking she doesn't have any idead what to do, and the fact that she killed someone that she have never hurt anyone is making her even more panic

Tears continue flowing from her eyes she stare at the body infront of her with widen eyes, her body shivering badly she bring her both shivering hands up near her mouth, Not believing at what she has done while she didn't have any idead that a man behind her is watching everything

She was about to turn when a strong arm came to wrap around her tiny body pressing his large palm on her tummy before bringing her body backward to his bare chest making her back touch his body, and quickly bringing another hand up to place it on her mouth so she won't scream and panic much more then she already is

Her breathing hitched when suddenly her body touch his broad frame, caging har small finger with his one strong arm in his broad frame while shutting her mouth the panic takes control over her more she quickly brings her hand up to place on his which was keeping her mouth shut, and she start trying to loose herself from his grip

Thinking he must be from the one who are trying to hunt her, until she heard a deep honey velvet voice sending warmth direct to her heart enough for her to stop on her tracks "shhh it's okay sweetheart i won't hurt you" he speaks his voice is deep and raspy his one arm keeping her body pressed on his bare chest his eyes Changing there colour in red when he felt her body Directly meeting his

Her body is warm against his, while the sweet smell of her blood, making the viens on his neck to came in view just because how close he is, his face dipping near her ear speaking right inside her ear making her every movement stop and he noticed it in a sec, "just relax and stop moving" he speaks making his voice soft and deep his lips brush on her ear lob and he soon felt her not moving

She stops her every move standing still, letting him take control over her or scared that if she moves he would kill her, his every hot breath hits under her ear making her squeeze her eyes tight while the warmth of his bare body touching on her bare back making her feel relax

"Now move" he speaks again keeping his mouth at the same spot her body shiver this time and he noticed that too, he takes slow steps backwards and she copies him he kept her shivering body pressed in his arms to make her calm while walking her away from the body lying infront of her, he walked her back facing him till now until they reach away from the man she put her one hand on top of his

Which was placed on her belly and the other on top of which was covering her mouth his every breath hitting under her ear while he keep his mouth close near her skin, he stops after a while and she heard the deep honey velvet voice again "now bend down" he bends her body down with him making her fall on her knees before slowly loosening his grip around her body

She keeps herself still he can hear her soft sobs against his palm while he slowly bend her down before removing his hand from her mouth, he removed his hand slow making sure she won't scream, and as soon as he does she quickly turned herself around now facing the demon alive itself right infront of her

Her eyes shredding tears while his eyes directly meets her she makes her body move by her feets on the ground getting away from the man infront of her, scared that she might hurt him too beacuse the raises from her body start coming out again making her panic but she didn't realise when he touched her they disappeared

He quickly moved towards her when he saw her dragging her body backwards while mumbling words "S-stay a-away f-from i- I c-can h- hu-hurt you" she sobbed and cry harder making his heart melt while he makes his way near her in a moment making her stop by pinning her body back against the ground covered with grass

Pinning her body back his broad frame howered on top of her wanting to make her calm no matter what his eyes turn dark bloody red while his jaw clenched his one hand grab hers in his he pinned it right above her head while his onther hand directly came in contact with her face placing his larger palm on her cheeks "look at me" he speaks his voice came out dark and raspy making her starteled

In a moment her golden shimering eyes meets his she frozed on her tracks her mouth aparted to breath tears flowing out slowly from the corner of her eyes while his dark red eyes take her in his control all in once his eyes keeping Contact with hers while he leaned more closer near her face

Until her warm breath hits right near the corner of his mouth, she keeps her face still like her soul is taken away from her body while he keeps her in his control her wide open wings covering the half ground near him, his thumb slowly cressed the soft golden skin of her cheeks up and down before he opens his mouth to speak again in a soft husky voice "sleep"

He speaks his voice and eyes hypnotizing her all in once, she released a long breath out while the last drop of tear came out from her eyes before slowly closing her eyes, he breathed out knowing she won't move now anymore but he can smell her

He pulled back enough to stare at her face his eyes wandering every inch of her beautiful sight, eyes turning dark while he kept on scanning her mesmerized by her beauty not believing that she's more beautiful then the first time he saw her, it's from a distance and her one glance makes him not to think of anything else but her and now that she's right infront of him

Is making his mind blank, she's breathtakingly more beautiful then he has expected her eyes are glittery they change there colour in golden shimering when an unknown feeling raise inside her body, weather it is bad or good, the small sharp nose resting in the centre of her face while his eyes slowly wanders down her lips

Her every calm breath hits his lips due to how close he is while he bring his thumb near the corner of her mouth, he can't help but rubs his thumb on her lower lip her lips slightly aparted to breath a smirk appears on the corner of his lips and his eyes turns dark just at the exact moment he knows she's his

Her every calm breath hits his lips due to how close he is while he bring his thumb near the corner of her mouth, he can't help but rubs his thumb on her lower lip her lips slightly aparted to breath a smirk appears on the corner of his lips and h...

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