chapter 36

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

A low groan left my lips due to sudden pain i felt near my abs just now, it's starting, my body heating up sweat dripping down the side of my forehead, my eyes scanning the view outside the glass wall but all which is wandering inside my damn head is her the pain which I am feeling is forcing me to think of her even more i Don't know what it is but I'm craving to have her close me at this moment too badly that my head start hurting too

Turning around i bring my one hand up to rub my temple with my index finger and thumb i breathed out the pain taking control slowly all over my body and it'll get worst as soon as the raises of sun got fully dissapeared and the full moon will come in view

Just like i said before it's full moon today I got to know it as soon I woke up in the morning with a little pain on the same spot where that seer gives me scar the curse broke away but this, this still not leaving my back that's what makes me to hate Seer's even more every time I get thorough this shit

This is something which is so fucking unbearable I don't have any idead what the fucking hell spell she spoke on me, that it still stays after these so many years have passed, anger taking control all over my brain and body as it gets hieghtened with each seacond passed the other thing which is making my mind blow is that seer angel who is living in my own mansion

My jaw clenching i want her near me but i also want to rip her apart and end her life as the pain rushes even more but due to the anger building inside me beacuse of the fucking pain which is now taking control over my brain, something is stopping me to not just drive all the way to my Mansion and end her life I don't know why i don't want to kill her, this woman is forcing me to be a man which I'm not, she's Changing me into a man which I'm not

And I'm surprised why the hell even wanting so damn hard to end her life, i still didn't on the other hand i want to press her against my body feel her warmth and let her run her fingers through my hairs while i suffer from this shit but i can't I'm not sure if is drive to my place right i would let her be alive, i will defenetly hurt her beacuse it's just the starting the sun raises are about to dissapeared properly the clouds are turning dark and my body changing in its way more

Taking a seat on the leather chair of my office i leaned my body back, my breathing becoming faster while i shut my eyes resting the back of my head on the chair head, my shirt was damn soaked in the sweat each seacond passed my body heats even more my heart beat quickens when u hear the door being knocked

Trying to make myself calm i inhale a long breath before opening my mouth to speak "yes" as soon as I said that i heard the door being open while i open my eyes bringing my head back only to stare at the man standing infront of me, he was holding some files in his hands with his head hung low "S-sir i-it is not competed yet b-ut i will make it happen till tomorrow" i huffed in annoence the pain getting more harder

And he was standing infront of me like a stupid asking me for another day, i growel trying my hard to control myself but couldn't it's just getting worse i can't take this anymore I need to drive back to my Mansion right now at any cost banging on the table i get up my mind fucking things up my eyes turns bloody red while the viens on my face start coming out

He jolts at my sudden move and step backwards while i March towards him he stare at my every move without even glancing towards him i make my way towards the door pulling it open my breathing becoming uneven with each step i take my eyes filling with blood and anger my jaw cleanched while i make my way to the parking lot, walking straight towards my car i wouldn't be able to bear it anymore not more then this and i have make my way to her in any way

In the corner of my heart somehow i know i can hurt her, maybe would kill her in very awful way but I need her too i can't bare a single minute without her being beside me and i Don't want the full moon to come in view before i reach my destination, driving fast, i bearly able to sit straight the pain is increasing more my body is heating like hell

My head was paining like never before A painful moan escape my lips, the wound will defenetly start bleeding just like before if i didn't reach in time, the view infront of my eyes getting blurry but i couldn't stop i don't want to stop even if i get onto an accident tonight, I'm the weakest in these nights other alphas got stronger but it's different in my case

No body knows this till now except me, i won't let anybody know this, know about my weakness, but that angel i wouldn't care any less even if she knows every single weakness about me including her, it took me a moment to reach my mansion beacuse of how fast i am driving

My feets bearly moving every viens on my body popping out walking straight towards the door i kick it open my anger is building more and more as the pain increases this happens in every full moon light and if someone even came near me i wouldn't think twice of unaliving him or her

Throwing the keys on the couch my breathing quickens i shut sqeeze my eyes for a clear view, my head paining like it is going to explode, i want her near me but a groan left my mouth due to frustration the way I am feeling right now is too much i couldn't take a chance of letting her near me

Im not sure about hurting her or not my brain and heart are in war, I don't have any idea what to choose but if there's any chance that i may be hurt her, i would stay alone all night but i can't take the risk of hurting her and I don't know why i know very well my anger will build more when she will come infront of me making me realise she's one of those seers too

And on the other hand not having her near me even the thought of it alone forcing me to break the whole Mansion into pieces, without even sparing a minute more i walk upstairs taking slow steps i walk towards my room gripping on to the door knob i open it only to saw my room empty a sighn of relief left my lips she's defenetly somewhere in the house but not in my room

And that's good for her especially to stay away from me shutting the door behind i bring my one hand up opening the upper buttons of my shirt, throwing my body on the couch leaning my body backward my eyes got shut while i throw my head back sitting right infront of the wide open balcony, letting some cold wind to make contact with my skin to feel a little bit cool beacuse of how much my body is burning in rage and pain both at the same time

My hands wanders to the small table beside me grabbing the bottle of wine and pouring myself a drink my body starts shivering now the moon is coming in view i can see it clearly even though my vission is blur, i felt like someone is taking my soul away every part of my body starts paining even more when i was about to close my eyes and the glass from my hand fall on the ground when i heard the door being open

My hands wanders to the small table beside me grabbing the bottle of wine and pouring myself a drink my body starts shivering now the moon is coming in view i can see it clearly even though my vission is blur, i felt like someone is taking my soul...

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