chapter 39

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

"t-tae tae you scared me, w-what happenes to y-you?" She asked her sweet melody enchoieng his ears making him feel a little more better then before his hot breath hits near her lips while his lips hovering on top of hers he bring his one hand up near her face, his eyes gazing on her beautiful face mesmerized by her worried sight making him feel so much then he has ever been before for the first time in his life someone really cared for him

"Shhhh" he shushed her placing his hand under her chin forcing her face upwards to meet his height even more just to feel her lips brushing over his there breathing mixing together while her eyes got shut when the pad of his thumb slowly cressed under her lower lip his lips travels from her face to her lips, staring at them like there the most delicious dessert he can ever have

His hand under her chin wanders to her cheeks cupping her face with his large palm placed on the side of her face his thumb slowly cressed her soft skin up and down she breathes out now finally feeling better beacuse of being panicked so much letting her know that he's all okay now to make her feel calm he cressed ever so softly while his eyes scan every reaction she gave on his touch "I'm all okay now Little angel and beacuse of you, do you know what you have done"

He asked his voice came out deep and dark while he speaks more in a whisper she slowly opens her eyes meeting his his eyes wanders from her lips to meet her eyes when they saw them open the softness and innocence she contains, her innocence is what making him want to feast on her even more "w-what?" Her face flushed terrified searching in his eyes while she gulps

His gaze soften against his will as soon as he gets to know that she doesn't know she craves power that's all what she craves for the most, that she sucks it in as soon as she touched his wound and she didn't know

He stare at her face for a moment before leaning closer and pressing his lips softly on her cheeks leaving a soft small peck her fists squeeze the fabric of his shirt while she arched her neck as he brings his mouth closer to her ear "the scar on my body dissapeared sweetheart when you touch it" he whisperes right inside her ear his voice sounds dark and deep his eyes turns dark red as soon as the pomegranates scent enters his lungs

He breaths out after sniffing her taking a deep long breath nuzzling his nose near the curve of her neck while his hand on her face tilted her head up pressing his thumb under her jawline forcing her chin up to have a perfect excess her breathing quickens while he just dipped his face on the same spot sniffing her for a long time her heart beat quickens even more when he didn't pulled back the viens on his neck starts coming in view

And argue to hide himself inside her is building up he don't want to pull back he wants to stay as it is and sleep just like this with her sweet delicate smell entering his lungs whenever he breaths in "let's sleep I'm tired" he bring his one hand up unbuttoning his shirt he hummed near her skin in satisfaction sending chills down her spine while a soft moan escape her lips

Her soft moan not helping him either he Removed his shirt while groweled near her ear with his dark voice, leaning in closer again he grips on both of her hand gently leading her hand by holding both of her wrist to his neck signalling her to wrap them around his neck

She quickly does her heart beat gets slower when she felt him shirtless pressing against her, wrapping her hand around his neck she runs her fingers through his dark lock Cressing his scalp softly when he dipping his face more in the crook of her neck even more a gasped leaves her mouth when he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her body closer to his gently

His mind filling with desire and hunger, not letting him think of anything else but to have her close closing his eyes whil he pressed her body closer to his letting himself feel her all, her small warm figure pressing over him all, he flipped her a little, while he didn't remember when he slept by the way she was running her hands through his dark locks 

I open my eyes slowly when the sweet delicate smell start filling me up so much that it gets hard for me to stay sleep, slowly opening my eyes i squeeze my eyes brows together this is the first time i haven't feel any pain on the same spot where I use to have that scar, my eyes got open completely as soon as I recall all the memories

Turning my head to my right my gaze soften as soon as they lands on the angel sleeping beside me, i can't believe that i just let her sleep in the same bed with me for more then one time turning my body around i couldn't help but get closer to her my hovering on top of her small body, the hot body she hides under some pieces of clothes which I can tears apart in less then a seacond and have her all naked to me and all alone

Her face tilting to my side while her hand resting beside her head on the pillow my eyes scan her every beautiful face features, her every single small details is enough to fucking drive me crazy, and the way she get all worried for me last night

I felt so fucking good, I don't know why i loved it when she gets worried i like the way she cares about me on the other hand knowing damn well how innocent she is to care about about even though not knowing everything about me is what making me satisfied is her innocence, I'm getting addicted to her innocence more day by day that's what making my heart melt for her and my desires to take control over me

As much as how innocent she is, is forcing me even more to rip her apart ruined her all in once especially when she has never been touched by anyone and craves for power, I'm surprised how the hell she have this power i don't know everything about her but one thing i know she's dangerous yet innocent both at the same time and these two combination is making my inner beast itself to pop out and claim her as mine

Make sure she belongs to me not anyone else but me, bringing my one hand up near her face i brush the thin strand of her hairs behind with my index finger, to have a clear view of this beautiful little angel, she fucking getting inside my head up more and more that it is getting hard for me take her out

The thing which she has done yesterday it's clear that i don't know about her very well, she so fucking surprising for me some times, and i never had wonder why she would care for me i did nothing for her all i think till now is to have her or to kill her feast on her but nothing good last night i almost opened myself to her and she walked right into my world and the thing is she fits perfectly..

And at the exact moment when i saw her worried face as soon as I open my eyes meeting hers beautiful golden ones, i know the exact moment that i don't want to kill her in any ways beacuse if i want to i should've done till now, she's fucking different and a walking talking paradise for me and i know very well that i want to keep her to me posses her own her brand her

Make her mind her as whole, i want her body her soul her divinity her love and devotion i want to dominant her mind, i want to eat her cries in breakfast, she's fucking mine and now i would do anything to keep her safe I don't know what it is that i have for her but one thing is clear there is no chance in hell I'm letting her leave my world now

Not even if she wants to

Not even if she wants to

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