chapter 31

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

I check on my tie last time infront of the mirror before sliding my palm on the fabric of my coat before turning around grabbing my keys and watch tying it on my wrist while i walk out from my room walking downstairs, while my eyes landed on Robert again he was cleaning the arts hanging on the wall i eye on him while walking towards him

Looking at the painting in which he was working before shifting my gaze on him his back facing me while i stare at him before opening my mouth to speak "Robert" he jolts and quickly move which makes the jar placed on the wooden show case to fall and before it did he quickly make a hold on it

I stare at his every move when he quickly correct it before turning around with his head hung low "y-yes sir" he speaks his voice shutter and he fold his both hand together "do you forget to lock the back door days ago?" I asked him and he starteled at my words his eyes widen i can clearly see his every reaction even though he's looking down

"Y-yes i-im sorry sir i-" before he completes i cut him off "don't be leave it open" being shocked he looked up his eyes directly meets mine the confuse look on his face the way his eyes are widened telling me he hasn't expected this from me well niether i do

"Shut it but don't lock it ok" i ask him bringing him back to his senses he blink multiple times before hunging his head low again and bowing infront of me while nodding his head in yes turning around i walk towards the main door pushing it open and making my way to the car i ask him to leave the door open just beacuse of one reason

I remember that angel told me when i cought her in my library that she enters from the back door, if in any case she wants to meet me, i know very well she'll only use the same door never dare to even search for another one beacuse of how innocent she is, she doesn't know anything and i won't let go of any chance her being near me if she wants

Sitting on the driving seat I start driving, making my way straight towards my company have to deal about some bussines curries, the jeongs who's manager came to meet me just so i could check out there villa which they have build without my permission i knew it they did but at that moment i Don't want to get through all this

Beacuse I'm busy hunting down the seer I got to know about recently on those days, that's much more important for me, pressing the break i step out walking straight to the main door and throwing my keys towards the gaurd who was standing on the entrance whoever eyes landes on me they quickly bow infront of me ignoring them i make my way to the elevator

Pressing on the buttons and waiting for a moment dipping my hand inside the pocket before taking my phone out i open the lock when i heard the bell sound enchoieng in my ears without even looking up i walk inside just like always do when i have my phone in my hands, i felt a presence beside me but i totally ignore it

"Hii taehyung" my gaze shift my phone to the metal door my gaze turns darker as soon as I recognise the voice a smirk appreas on the corner of my lips before i trun my head to my right on to spot the woman who has been slept with jimin may be more then four times, "suzen" a pissed of smile appears on my lips before i straightened my back and put my phone back inside my pocket

She leaned her Back against the metal wall with her both hands fold on her chest, her lips painted in red lipstick hairs open wearing too much short dress almost having a peek of her ass while her mouth moving chewing on the gum inside her mouth which I think she hasn't changed since days

She smiles at me while i dipped my both hands inside my pockets while my eyes still red as it is the viens on my neck coming out while she stare right in my eyes, before straightening herself and walking towards me taking slow steps she tilted her head up to stare at my face when she reached near me

Due to how short she is that smile on her face is pissing me off just like jimin's smile did, my jaw clenched while she bring her one hand up to my face my eyes scan her every move and before her hand lands on my face my hand quickly stops it

Gripping on her wrist while she tilted her head to stare at our hands "no touching" i smile at her while my eyes turns even more darker and red before i slowly bring her hand down before leaving it just to hear her chuckling "would you like to be with me for one night, i can assure you it would be fun" she speaks stepping more closer the bell sound enchoed my ears the door opens but i didn't bother to look away from her face

Neither she did the door gets close again while i bring my one hand up to her face my eyes lands on the red mark right under her ear it's a bite mark, i brush my index finger on her face her eyes got shut while she breaths out sliding it from her forehead to her cheeks scanning her every reaction but couldn't focus cuz it's only reminding me of her and cheering the argue to have her builds up again

A smirk appears on my lips when she arched her neck "I don't sleep with the woman's like u who don't care about anything but to get inside everyone's pants especially when they're still not healed from the previous setion" my jaw cleanched while i rub my thumb on the bite mark under her ear she wince and her hand lands on my chest

Leading it upwards while my eyes turns even more darker when she tries to unbuttoned my shirt "forget it taehyung I'm just asking u to have some fun" she smirks

And her hand makes contact with the skin of my neck skin to skin "remove your hand suzen" i asked her very calmly trying not to burst in a very awful way "ohh come on taehyu-" before she completes i grip on her hand and flips her around her back facing me now before i pinned the same hand on her back which she used on me while her back rests on my body as she screams in pain beacuse of the way I'm holding it tight

She tries to free herself from my hold but it only gets tightened she screams again while i bring my mouth near her ear "first who gives u permission to call me by my name and the seacond" i whisper right near her ear my eyes turns bloody red while i bring my mouth down near her throat a sighn of satisfaction leaves my lips "I hate it when someone touch me" saying that without wasting any seacond my teeths got sinked deep inside her skin

Her body starts shivering like someone has injected venom inside every viens of her body, she tries to free herself and scream but nothing came out while my eyes turns even darker then before as i feast on her the smell of her blood is not so good neither the taste it's been a while i haven't tasted any good blood

I push her away from me and her body falls down on the same time elevator door opens turning around i walks outside standing near the door before bringing my hand up to wipe the blood on the corner of my mouth with my thumb before cleaning it with the tissue and throwing it away

I start walking towards my office room, hands dipping inside my pocket when i heard the elevator bell ringing again from the distance and soon a woman screaming, she has defenetly saw her dead body lying inside

Without even bothering i walk through the corridor before reaching near my room opening the door i enter only to spot a figure standing on the same place where I use to stand when I think his back facing me as i step in further more i got to know who it might be "jimin"

Without even bothering i walk through the corridor before reaching near my room opening the door i enter only to spot a figure standing on the same place where I use to stand when I think his back facing me as i step in further more i got to know ...

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