chapter 38

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

She stare at wound for a moment before gasping, her eyes staring like they're wanting to know how he gets it, her eyes sparkles she tilted her head to look back at him, a thought that this is happening to him beacuse of the scar came inside her head beacuse it looks old but it starts bleeding again, her heart beat quickens by the way blood flows out from it, she stares at him

Tear rolled down her eyes she was scared to touch the wound, leaning more closer she bring her hand up to place her small palm on the side of his face his hot breaths Hits her lips while she stare at him, his face still heating like before just like his whole body, taking a long deep breath she pressed her lips softly on top of his

Leaving a small peck on his lips, he didn't move, he kept on sleeping like he will never wake up, she tilted her head back to the wound, her hands wanders down from his chest to his scare she stare at it for a moment her eyes shimmers when she brush her fingers on it, wanting to make it stop bleeding but couldn't, want to know the exact reason for him being in pain but couldn't

She gets frozed when she feels something as soon as she touch it again, she takes a long deep breath closing her eyes it felt like touching that wound making her feel good, feel something different like never before her breathing gets slower while her heart start racing fast her mouth aparted to breath, as she stares at it for a moment more

Not moving just her fingers brushing on it, and her eyes got shut when the golden shiny rases starts forming in her hand her body, making her feel nothing but just close her eyes like she's not in her control whatever happening is not letting her stay in her senses anymore the way something is running inside her whole body

A gasped leaves her mouth and her body jolts softly after a good moment and she opens her eyes again, feeling different her breathing quickens not knowing what had happened right now, she stares at the wounds again it is as it is, her body heats up not knowing what had just happened she quickly turned around to face him again placing her small palm on his vieny neck while the other one rests on his chest

She scoots closer to him staring at his face her thumb Cressing the skin of his neck softly, resting her head on his chest eyes filling with tears she hides her face near his neck before closing his eyes and hugging him close more,

His squeezed his eyes as the pain rushed through his head his mouth aparted to breath while he bring his one hand up to his head rubbing his temple with his index finger and thumb, he sighed when he bring his head back a groan left his lips when he felt a pain in his neck beacuse of how he was lying as soon as he moves his other hand it brush on her body

Enough for him to open his eyes properly he looked down at her she was sitting on his lap as it is, with her face tilting up facing him making him stop on his tracks as soon as his eyes landes on the most beautiful face he adores, her eyes closed calmly while her warm calm breath hits near his chin he brings his one hand to place it on the back of her head

Entangling his fingers inside her hairs Cressing her scalp softly not wanting her wake up, and soon he gets froze when reality hits him he looked infront the balcony it's still dark outside it means it's still the same night he remembers due to the increasing pain he gets fainted but something is there which is bothering him usually it didn't happen like this, th pain continues until the arrival of sun

He furrowed and soon looks down at his wound his white shirt was stained as it like always with blood, he sighed and bring his hand down to the hem of his shirt pulling it up to have a look but what he sees cought him in surprise his heart beats stops for a moment he gets frozed his breathing gets slower, while he tilted his head more to have a perfect look and bring his hand to rub on the same spot where he use to have that deep scar

He quickly tilted his head back to her when she starts moving and another thing hits him, he squeezed his brows trying to figure out is it happens just like he's thinking, he stare at her while her hands wanders from his chest to his neck he quickly bring his one hand to grip near her hips while the other one snuggle around her waist bringing her closer holding her with a gentle firm grip enough for her to open her eyes in shocked

She looked up her breathing quickens while her eyes start sparkling searching for her answer in his eyes "t-tae" before she completes her sentence he cut her in between "shh" knowing very well how why her eyes are sparkling so much beacuse of her being so worried he didn't let her finish before he gets up a soft gasped leaves her lips while her both arms wanders quickly to wrap around his neck he pulled her even more closer while carrying her to the bed

Soon her back touches the cold sheets while his broad frame hovered on top of hers her eyes meets his, his eyes turns darker and red with desire filling inside them clearly enough for her to breath out and gets froze as soon as she looks at them, the way how they take her in control so easily, he didn't look away when he leaned closer she breaths out while his eyes wanders from her eyes to her nose then her lips

He stare at her aparted lips for a moment before bringing his eyes back to meet her she didn't utter a word till now just Because he asked her too, his eyes wanders her whole beautiful face mesmerized by her sight even in the dark room before opening his mouth to speak "did you touch my wound sweetheart?" He asked

Bringing his mouth closer to her lips hovering on hers, there breathing mixing together her both palms resting on his chest squeeze the fabric of his shirt while his one hand wanders from her waist to her hips then sliding it slowly down to her outer thighs gripping on then with a firm and gentle grip he pulled her one leg up while she slowly opens her mouth to speak

His eyes wanders down to her lips again when she speaks scanning the way they move, while he fights with the argue to kiss her beacuse of feeling different on his lips "yes" she breathed out and her answer satisfied him more a smirk of satisfaction appears on his lips while he leaned more closer now that he knows his wound fades away beacuse of her touch, the wound which can never get cured by anyone beacuse it's a curse spell

He licked his lower lip with his tongue just beacuse of feeling different the sweetness lingers in his tongue as soon as he did enough for his eyes to turn more darker while the viens on his neck start coming in view "you thirst for power little one" he leaned in closer an whisper with his dark velvet voice right inside her ears sending chills down her spine while she gulps

He stare at her face for a moment more while his eyes turns more darker before he ask her something "did you kiss me while i was slep sweetheart?" He asked his voice turns deeper and raspier if he gets to know that she had kisses him even if it's a small peck he's not sure he would be able to control himself "y-yes"

A soft appealing voice enchoed his ears while her answer makes his jaw cleanched the way he was feeling like pairs of soft juicy lips have touched his cold ones, since he opens his eyes he knew it, and now that it's true that argue building inside him more while he couldn't help but growled with his dark voice near the curve of her neck enough for her to shut her eyes and breathe out as chills again run down her spine

A soft appealing voice enchoed his ears while her answer makes his jaw cleanched the way he was feeling like pairs of soft juicy lips have touched his cold ones, since he opens his eyes he knew it, and now that it's true that argue building inside...

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