chapter 22

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

He carried her all the way to his mansion in his arms not wanting to stay away from her even a bit, he doesn't have any idead why so suddenly started craving of her more that he couldn't help but bring her to his place, knowing he shouldn't be doing this but he did it anyway

His mind is filled with desire and lust not working the way it should be just her sight making him softer for her even more, he had never bring a woman to his place but this little Demon he just wanted nothing more then to have her on his bed, the same bed where he sleeps and never let her leave

She's getting inside his head and it's getting harder for him to take her out whenever he have her infront of him it just makes it more harder for him

Walking upstairs he kick the door open as soon as he reached near his room, his face dipping in the curve of her neck sniffing on her aroma, letting it take control over him he couldn't get enough of it no matter what he alway craves for more, her as whole

He placed her gently on top of the sheets her eyes scanning the whole room surprised and confused both when he make her sit in the middle of bed, and pulled back to have her face right infront of him, her eyes meets his she stare at him in confusion like she's not getting what's happening he stare right inside her eyes peeking inside her soul

Her mouth slightly aparted to breath while his eyes turns darker before he speaks bringing his one hand up placing it under her chin and bringing his thumb to rub under her lower lip every so softly and gently when his eyes landed on them "stay here only I'll be back" he speaks his voice came out darker and raspier while he speaks right inside her ear his hot breath hits on her ear lob making her eyes shut while her small fists sqeeze the fabric of silk bed sheets

She take a deep breath when he pulled away and turn around making his way towards the bathroom he changed his clothes while her sight never leaves his mind for even a seacond, Changing his pants and wearing his shirt and turning around walking outside again without buttoning his shirt he walked to the closet and take out another shirt

Grabbing it in his hands he walks outside and saw her sitting on the bed as it is, her eyes scanning the whole room ever so innocently, his gaze soften against his will somehow he knows she knows nothing and have never explore the world maybe she's been trapped somewhere but it's clear by her actions she has never been outside before

With slow steps he moved towards the bed catching her attention she take long heavy breaths, making him sure that she's scared and nervous, but still obeyed him was making him satisfied more then ever knowing what impact he has on her

Her long smooth bear legs resting on the bed calmly his eyes scanning her whole body the way her skin looks more smooth and shimmery just beacuse of being wet by water, the way argue building inside him to run his hands through her every inch explore her body with his bear hands and pressed her against him to feel her warmth as much as he can

His eyes wanders more up the way her wet cloths sticking on her perfect body the curves she has are perfect where they should be which he wants to squeeze right here right now no matter what, grip on them with tigh grip until his fingerprints are clear on her clear caramel skin his eyes scanning the way her chest slightly rose up when she breathes in her collor bone disappeared, the perfect rise and fall of her breasts

When he leaned down his eyes not leaving her the meal infront of him the her tiny waist craving to pull her closer again, the smooth skin of her neck his eyes turns bloody red craving to bite and lick on her skin, every inch of her body to know how she taste, his red eyes filled with blood meets hers shiny and golden eyes

Locking his eyes with hers taking her in his control she can't look away even if she wants to the way the desire and lust were filling in them the darkness hiding behind them not letting her break the eye contact when he slowly crawled over the bed his knees on the both side of her body she put her hand behind for support before bending backward when his broad frame starts towering over hers

She gasped when he didn't stops and her bear back finally touched the cold sheets her breathing quickens even more, his body now finally hovering on top of hers her hands quickly finds his abs when he leaned closer his eyes wanders from her face to her neck opening his mouth and inhaling in deeply the sweet smell of her blood taking control over his mind

Want to feast on her right now, so badly that his eyes turns darker more then they have ever been before, her eyes got shut when his hot breath hits the skin of her cheeks taking his mouth downward more reaching near the curve of her neck, she gulpes and throw her head back giving him more exces

Her heart beat quickens when he opens his mouth and leaves a wet kiss, his jaw clenched when he tries hard not to sink his teeths in drink on her blood the way it taking control over his mind, he breathed out his breath hits the same spot where he leaves a soft kiss before speaking in his deep velvet voice

"Change your cloths or else you'll catch cold" command is clear in his tone while his lips brush on her ear lob her grip on his abs tightened when his teeths bite on them gently "a-am i- going to st-stay here all night?" A soft appealing voice enchoed his ear while her question makes him hummed in response before pulling back and enough to stare at her face

"Yes you are sweetheart" he speaks staring right in her eyes while she gulps his gaze shifts from her eyes to her lips quick when they slightly got aparted catching his attention his gaze soften while he can't take his eyes away from her lips her warm calm breath hitting his lips when he leaned closer even more

Bringing his hand up and placing his index finger under her chin before bringing his thumb to rub it under her lower lip her eyes got shut Again while she breathed out when he he slowly leaned closer not be able to hold it anymore he pressed his lips near the corner of her mouth

His eyes turns darker feeling the softness against his lips, he pulled back and his jaw cleanched before he speaks again bringing his mouth closer to her "you should go now before i change my mind and trap you here with me for forever"

His eyes turns darker feeling the softness against his lips, he pulled back and his jaw cleanched before he speaks again bringing his mouth closer to her "you should go now before i change my mind and trap you here with me for forever"

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