chapter 77

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

We sit as it is near the lake he hold me in his arms close to his body i let myself Feel it all which i wanted so desperately, resting my face on his chest hearing every beat his heart makes, sending my mind somewhere else making me feel whole, just like this the sun started dissapearing, the darkness started covering all around us while i didn't budge i want to stay as it is, niether he let go of me sitting right near the shore of Lake he was holding me in his arm as close and tighter like before

Like he can hold me like this for more, for years for ages for iternity but never get tired, our bodies locked with each other pressing too close my both palms rests on his bear chest while my face resting near his collor bone, his hand Cressing my hairs softly making me feel more secure and loved time skip a little more when he bring his one hand up to my face

Placing his large palm on the side of my face, cupping my cheeks he pressed his thumb near my jawline before lifting my face up to have me infront of him, i slowly open my eyes but got shut again when they felt heavy, he pulled me up and adjusted me more closer on his lap while all i do is to scoot more closer, tightening his grip around my waist

My both palms still rests on his chest when he hold my face in his hand, keeping it in place right infront of him, i felt his eyes wandering all over scanning every feature perfectly before turning his gaze darker, his thumb slowly moves up and down my smooth caramel skin, Cressing my face softly when i heard him speaking near my ear bringing his mouth closer tilting my face more up to have better excess

Placing a soft wet kiss on my ear lob "you need to have a good sleep, lets get you home little angel" his words makes my heart beat fast when he mentioned home, and i quickly shrugged not wanting to go back not yet his dark raspy voice sends vibration all through my body while he growled in a low husky tone near my ear before taking my ear lob between his teeths "don't worry sweetheart we will come back here whenever you want"

His word makes me open my eyes in surprise, and he bring his face up to meet mine, his dark lustful gaze meets mine while my eyes shimmers golden in happiness, my mouth aparted to breath while i stare at him in disbelief, i thought he let me come here for once that is why I don't wanted to leave "w-we will?" I asked my eyes sparkle staring at his he gets what i want to know leaning closer he pressed his lips on my chin

Lifting my face more up "yes Angel whenever you want to, now shall we go" he asked and pulled back again staring in my eyes the blood inside his eyes moves taking me in control as i quickly nodded in yes the viens near his eyes moves when i hear him speaking, bringing his mouth near the curve of my neck again his hot breath hits my sensitivity skin making me arch my neck "good girl" placing a soft wet kiss he dipped his face in the curve of my neck

Inhaling in deeply sniffing on to the pomegranates smell, while my both hands automatically travels up from his chest to his hairs wrapping around his neck my both arms, before running my fingers through his dark locks Cressing his scalp softly he hummed near my skin in satisfaction before gripping on my body with a firm grip and picking me up in his arm in a bridal style

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