chapter 58

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

His one hand slowly came up and in one pull he removed the mask away from my face his breath hits my lips when his eyes directly meets mine my eyes shimmers in golden while he keeps his eyes on mine, his thumb rubs again on my lower lip keeping my mouth close to his with a tight grip on my chin, a sinful moan leaves my lips at what he just said making him satisfied while he hummed near my mouth before pressing his lips under my lower lip leaving a soft small kiss, before tilting his head to the side and his face disappeared in the crook of my neck

I hear him grunting near my skin opening his mouth he sucks harshly on my neck while he pressed my body back against the wall with his one on my hips, his hand wanders down to my legs, Cressing my outer thigh up and down from the fabric before making me gasped by the sudden harsh grip he makes on my outer thigh his nails digged in my flesh while he pulled my one leg up to his waist before bending his lower body down

Pressing in between me after positioning himself near my heated core while a soft moan escapes my lips when i felt him hard against my wet core, my breathing quickens while my hand wanders to wrap around his neck, feeling him placing hot open mouth kisses all over my neck shoulder and collor bone, marking every inch as him

His large palm grip on my neck pressing his thumb on my jawline he forced my head back even more to have a better excess, and to have the clear skin of my smooth caramel neck infront of him, he grunt before opening his mouth and sinking his teeths deep inside my skin, a gasp leaves my lips when he didn't pulled he bite harder and my breathing got stuck inside my throat a soft moan escape my lips again

With each time his teeths enter more deeper it's like he wants to cut me open raw, my hands run through his dark locks while i arched my neck for him even more his tongue traces on the same skin sending electric sensation all through my whole body while my mouth aparted to breath and my mind goes blank and this time his name left my lips "ta-tae"

He grunt and switch his teeths with his tongue licking on the fresh deep mark he had just left righ now making me breathless even more with each time the tip of his tongue touches my skin, making my body shiver in his arms, sucking on my neck righ on the same spot again, while his hand slowly slips inside my dress finding the small piece of fabric covering my precious part before ripping it off in one pull making me gasped

And without wasting any more second his large palm cups my ass before giving it a gentle squeeze making my body jolt in his hold and a loud sensual moan escape my mouth while he quickly shushed me away "shhh we don't want anyone else to hear us little angel do we?" He asked bringing his mouth up and speaking right under my ear while i gasped when he squeezed again

His touch on my ass making my body heat up and my mind goes blank while opening his mouth he sucks on my sensitive spot gaining another soft moan in response, knowing very well it's my sweet spot, his lips brush over the curve of my neck up to my jawline leaning more close he leaves and open mouth kiss on my cheeks his every hot breath hits my skin while i hear him speaking again

Seer and Sinful • KTH | +18Where stories live. Discover now