chapter 69

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

I move when i felt a harsh pain on my forehead, slowly getting back to my senses as i wake up, my mouth aparted to breath while arching my neck slowly i breath out before opening my eyes, my eyes shimmer golden as i did slowly blinking my lashes trying to get exactly what is happening taking a deep breath in, i tilt my head to my side, staring towards the open balcony, just to know it's dark outside

No morning any more, i remember I slept after last time he have me, beacuse of how weak and tired I am, tilting my head back to the other side i scan my surroundings before quickly getting up, thin strand of my hairs fall over my face as i did and my eyes wanders all over just to find the room empty, my eyes turns golden brown even more

While i gasped before starting at the balcony again, wondering where he might go at this time, i couldn't helpt myself but get up,my hands quickly fists on the white fabric of shirt I'm wearing before it slips down my shoulder, also the upper buttons are open, i remember he kept them open just so he can kiss me there until i sleep

Without wasting any other seacond i start walking towards the door, with slow Little steps scared too but wanting to know where he is, because how badly it terrified me not having him beside me, i couldn't bear it, it felt like I'm not safe again, he's my safe place as whole just his presence is enough to make me feel safe, and now he has become my habit the first face to see when i wake up and the last when i sleep

It makes me sad not having him near me, also scared, taking slow little steps my breathing fast because I have never walked in this house alone, especially when it's too huge, my grip on the shirt tightened my eyes wanders every where just looking for him, walking downstairs i reach the hall area stopping on my tracks when i see nothing

Scanning every where taking slow steps towards the bar but nothing, turning around i gulp about to run upstairs again beacuse being here alone makes me scared as hell, my heart beat quickens and before i can something catches my attention, i stop moving further and i turn around to the direction of library when i saw the door open

My eyes shimmers even more while i gulp, my heart beat racing and my breathing became heavy, I'm scared but wanting to know weather he's there or not too, taking slow steps until i reach the door bringing my one hand up, i place my palm on the wooden frame before slowly pushing it open, as it did

My breathing got stuck in my throat i stand there as it is before gulping and taking another steps more and as soon as I tilt my face to the side my body jolts and my heart skip a beat, i try to catch my breath as soon as I realise it's him, he was sitting on the chair infront of the table where a lot of books were placed it's like he's reading

He has one huge book in his hand with his dark lustful gaze fixed on me, like he already knows I'm coming, i didn't budge from that place for a moment, his eyes peeks right through my soul from a good distance my chest heavily rose up, as i take a sharp breath in when he throw book in his hand on top of the table

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