chapter 34

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

He layed her down again and bring his mouth close near her ear before whispering with his dark velvet voice "sleep well sweetheart" his eyes turning dark bloody red while he eyes on her face her eyes closed and her mouth slightly aparted to breath she seems tired, he didn't know what exactly had happened with her near the lake but he don't want to know more then she has already told him

He knows very well whatever happens to her tonight the reason is same beacuse of what she told him, staring at her for a moment adoring her innocent beautiful face before bringing his mouth near her skin and placing a soft wet kiss on the soft skin of her cheeks he sighn before covering her body with the sheets so that she won't feel cold beacuse of her cloths teared apart from many places

Getting up he turned around to grab himself a drink when he suddenly stops on his tracks feeling small hand grabbing his wrist her small touch sends warmth all over his whole body the viens on his neck came in view before he turned around to face her again he was surprised by her actions that only cheering him even more to have her

Her eyes open meeting directly his they are tired but they are shimering golden just like before her breathing was a little fast like she si scared, while her eyes clearly begging him to not leave her alon and he scan her whole state in a moment "pl-please don't l-leave" the most softes and appealing melody enchoieng in his ears while his gaze soften against his will all he crave for right now is to make her sleep in his embrace like before

Wanting to keep her near him even more that his body heats up even the thought of her is driving him crazy everything she do her every move making him out of control not knowing what to do just to have her to himself all he wants, staring at her for a moment just like this his gaze darkenes on the way her chest rose up whenever she takes breath in her breathing was heavy and her heart was beating fast

Her grip on her hand which was holding her wrist her breathing quickens even more watching him climbing on top of the bed with his eyes locked on her, even though she's nervous having him near her still she doesn't want him to leave knowing this the argue to fullfill his desire builds inside him even more

"You shouldn't ask me to stay" he growel while his broad frame towers on top of her his hand holding her wrist lead her hand upwards pinning it above her head her heart start pounding more faster while she gulped his eyes wanders from her eyes to her neck and then chest eyeing the way her body rose up slightly before falling back again just her breathing is enough to drive him even more crazy

His eyes turns even more darker while his breathing quickens he leaned in closer trying to take control over his want and hunger which is building more and more with each second passes his hot breath hits the sensitivity skin of her cheeks her mouth aparted more to breath while him being so much close her eyes got quickly shut when he opens his mouth and leaves a wet kiss on her cheeks again before opening his mouth more and taking the flesh of her cheeks between his teeth

He groweled against her skin when a soft moan leaves her lips he pulled back and breathed out her every reaction cheering him to tear her cloths apart put her leg over his shoulder before driving into her so far that she never wants to come back,

"Turn around" his voice came out dark and deeper while his body heats up she opens her eyes before he make his way beside her as she turned around obeying his order he layed beside her with her back facing him and her breathing hitched when a strong arm came to wrap around her body pressing his large palm on top of her belly before bringing her body closer to his

Her back meets his broad build chest while her eyes got shut, she takes long heavy breathing while her eye brows furrowed his hand on her belly sending chills all over whole body her back pressing on the warm embrace making her want to fall sleep

He nuzzle his nose in the curve of her neck from behind inhaling deeply sniffing her pomegranates scent, before humming ner her skin in satisfaction his hand wanders from her belly to her hips gripping on her hips with a firm gently grip before bringing her body even more closer and whispering near her ear "sleep"

He opens his eyes when sun raises hit on his face bringing his hand up ner his face as always rubbing his index finger and thumb on his temple, before breathing out and realisation hits him in a moment when he felt a calm slow breathing tickling on the skin of his neck

He opens his eyes now finally to get back into his senses staring at the ceiling for a moment before quickly looking down arching his head Down on his chest and his heart melts while his eyes turns quickly red, he stare on her for a moment her whole face hiding in the crook of his neck that's stopping him to move while her whole body resting on top of him

She is too small and light weight that he feels nothing on him whole night her both palms resting on his chest, he bring his one hand to place it on the curve of her back after getting how exactly she was lying wrapping his one arm around her body while bringing another one up to her hairs

Placing his large palm on the back of her head his eyes stare at the ceiling infront of him again while he entangled his fingers in her thick brown hairs before Cressing her scalp softly running his fingers through them and then tilting his head Down again staring at her figure the way she was lying she's to close for him to handle his desired her whole warm body lying on top of his making him feel so fucking good

The his viens are coming in view his body start heating up feeling her every curve, it's not helping him either his hand Cressing her hairs softly stops while his another hand grip on her tiny waist wrapping her body in his arms before flipping her body back

He sighed when her back touches the soft sheets again and her breathtakingly beautiful face came alive, he removes his hand from the back of her head placing it on top of the pillow gently before sliding his warm hand to her cheeks cupping her face with one hand while the other one still placed on her hips not be able to look away

His thumb slowly cressed the soft skin of her cheeks up and down as his gaze soften staring at her whole face looking so innocent yet beautiful as it is even while sleeping his eyes wanders and stops on her lips, he bring his thumb down and runs the pad of his thumb on her lower lip feeling how soft and juicy they felt wanting to kiss her right now

He leaned in more closer and pressed his lips softly on her lower lip leaving a soft gentle kiss, her warm breath tickles near his lips when he pulled back and stare at her again before breathing out and whispering near her lips "what an unexpected plot twist you are angel" a smirk appreas on the corner of his lips knowing damn well he's not letting her leave now not in a chance in hell placing another kiss on her forehead he gets up knowing very well if he stay any more then this then he would definitely end up craving more of her, while all he wants is her lips to ask for it

He leaned in more closer and pressed his lips softly on her lower lip leaving a soft gentle kiss, her warm breath tickles near his lips when he pulled back and stare at her again before breathing out and whispering near her lips "what an unexpecte...

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