chapter 70

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

(Play the song given in the banner)
A soft moan escape my lips when he place a soft wet kiss under my ear, his grip around my body tightened in response when soon i heard him speaking "yes sweetheart" he asks my eyes shimmer golden even more while i take a deep breath in when he slides his both hands down my whole bare back exploring it in so seductive way that i couldn't help but close my eyes and let myself feel his touch

My hands softly run through his dark locks when he dipped his face more in the curve of my neck leaving soft wet open mouth kisses, the viens on his neck moving while my mind going blank each time i try to speak beacuse of the closeness we have, i arch my neck giving him more excess by the way his heated lips kissing every inch of my skin

"Can I a-ask you something?" I said it finally my heart beat becoming wild while my eyes turning golden brown bringing his mouth up brushing his lips all the way from the curve of my neck to my jawline, he opens his mouth before biting on the same spot i gasped when he slightly pulled me up more closer to his body, gripping on both of my hips gently, and shift more closer

My mind going blank due to the closeness, "ask sweetheart, ask me anything" he ordered speaking right near my ear his voice sounds deep and velvet, sending chills down my spine while i gulp, when his voice vibrates through my spine, i open my eyes and quickly shut it again when he pressed a soft wet kiss on my cheeks

Bringing his one up, sliding it from the every curve of my naked body, he place his one large palm on the side of my face cupping my face before bringing me infront of him, his eyes meet mine as soon as he did, i breathed out, his eyes were dark slowly filling with blood as he stares at mine, his gaze peeking deep inside my soul by the window of my eyes reading me all in once

Bringing my face closer he leaves a soft wet on my lower lip before pulling back and meeting my eyes again "say it" he ordered he knows very well I'm scared to ask him, my breathing gets slower as he speaks with his mouth hovering over mine, his every hot breath hits the corner of my lips when i saw the blood moving in his eyes, taking me all in his control, my mouth aparted to breath, my eyes got fixed on his as they pulled me towards them to get lost and never come back

"I'm scared that my dad will defenetly do something, I'm scared he will hurt you, please let him take me if he did something, please promise me you'll leave me, if he came to hurt you" i speak without stopping leaving a heavy breath in last i don't know how everything just came out of my mouth just like this

But it did it's like my mouth is automatically moving, it's not in control when soon i came back onto my senses when he placed a soft wet kiss under my lower lip again, waking me up it felt like I'm sleep, and i squeeze my eyes shut when he tugged my lower lip between his teeths grunting like he wants to bite on them until it bleeds

Seer and Sinful • KTH | +18Where stories live. Discover now