chapter 84

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

(Play the song given in the banner)
"what's your name?" Jimin asked me my eyes shimmer golden while my heart beat quickens i don't know whether to trust him or not but i want to i wanted him to help me so desperately but on the other hand I'm scared of everything around me "y-yn" i speaks finally my voice came out more in a whisper

"Good" he nodded his head and looked down again on his book which is in his hand he's been helping now for almost more then six months, i don't remember anything, i don't remember who i am don't know what i actually am my eyes changes there color i sometimes have wings which came and dissapeared

I remember when i wake up last time people standing around me i couldn't recognise them but they said they know me, forget about them i Don't even remember my name I didn't remember when i grow old who are my parents who take care of me until i became young how do I have wings and why my eye colour changes by every different kind of imotions building inside me

I was so confused so scared at that moment i felt like I'm half dead i want to remember everything from my past like i have missed something very important that though has always hunt me since all these days since i open my eyes and i got to know i lost my memory, I'm glad the two people i saw first standing near me they helped me alot I'm scared of them too at that moment but i don't have any choice to trust them other then trusting them

And they seems very nice to me, jimin has been always there for me Jonathan always bring me to his room and spoke some spell on me everyday but he always becomes sad and said it didn't work, just like this since I wake up now it's been months and i feel like I'm incomplete, i have lost the Beautiful piece of my life which i couldn't remember, they told me things i don't know Jonathan and jimin they take care of me

And they told me they knew me from a long time beacuse of man who takes care of me, it confused me when they mentioned the man but when i ask them about him they tell me it's not the time for me to know about him, sitting on the small chair infront of jimin i tilt my head towards the huge glass window i wanna remember everything so desperately i remember the last few words which are being whispered in my ears while I'm sleep

I don't know who whisperes them or how i manage to remember that but i did, and that's the thing which is hunting me since I wake up those words repeat inside my head all day all night i couldn't ignore them the voice i still remember it, the words and voice which are making me so curious to hear them again something in my heart always screams to get to know about it something about that voice whenever I think about it makes my heart beat wild

I felt empty whenever I think about it, and yet till now i haven't told about this to anyone niether Jonathan nor jimin, i don't know I'm not sure weather to tell them or not to be honest I'm not sure about anything which is happening in my life, until i couldn't get my memory back, they're telling me every important thing they told me i use to have some raises back then but not now all i have it wings and my eyes who still changes colour

They told something happens and i lost my wings and they don't have any idead how I get them back, Everything they told me it just makes me confused just beacuse i don't know why i am like this but not like other humans, why am I different from others also the fact they won't tell me about my parents whenever I ask them they changed the topic just like whenever I ask them about the man they mentioned who keeps me safe

From whom ? I don't know i don't remember i don't remember everything, the things which frustates me every day i wanted to cry somedays wanted to be happy somedays i can cry every night but couldn't be happy until I get my memory back in incomplete something in my heart told me i have lost my most precious memories i have lost the most precious moments what ? I don't know but why ?

I have so many questions running inside my head Jonathan and jimin told me half, the fact they won't tell me the whole story makes me want to cry and Begg them to tell me, they repeat everything they told me yet everyday just to know that i remember it, i remember i was hella scared when i got to know Jonathan do magic and jimin was a normal guy, he says he use to be a monster until everything changed

Why things changed ? Why do i lost my memory i want answer and now they're taking me to somewhere, they told me I'm going to meet someone, someone who own me, whom I belong too and i can ask everything to him, it makes me confused and my heart beat wild also scared at the same time I'm even scared to step out of these four walls and now I'm going to meet a new person

But if it's about my questions then i would do anything, i would die but couldn't live my life knowing i didn't remember something which is very important and precision for me, like i have lost my half self I'm incomplete wanna know everything and i would do anything to remind myself, i use to have glances flashbacks which flashed infront of my eyes in so much speed but i can only remember half

It makes my heart beat wild it has happened four to three time in starting months but now it happens with me every night, some memories black and white the man figure which i see everyday the strong arm wrapping around me everyday, the man whome i have seen in every glances he was always there but whenever I try to focus on his face i couldn't, it's just too white like a bright light

And one day i saw a glance which makes me run to the bathroom i remember clearly i was breathing heavily like i have run a marathon, my heart was beating like it's going to explode out of my rib cage i was scared to do it but i did, i slowly lift my dress up and open my legs and i saw the same thing i saw in the glances

My inner thigh is carved with the two initials which are "K" and "T" together, i almost got lost on that day and i couldn't get who did this or what's the story behind it and i couldn't ask to Jonathan and jimin too, beacuse of where it's been carved, I'm nervous to tell them about this, scared at the same time when i saw it but my heart felt something else when i found it on my skin, it makes me feel like I'm whole for a moment

The kind of imotion i remember which just build inside me, but i couldn't recognise it, it makes me confused the other things which start hunting me too, but till now i didn't get the answer, something about it makes my heart beat wild wherever i look at it while taking shower like those initial and my soul SCREAMING that these initial are here to claim me but to whome ?

"Yn?" I quickly tilt my head back to stare at jimin who is already staring at me, something the way he stares me makes my heart beat wild and gulp, i saw something in his eyes whenever he stare at mine which always makes me confused and curious both at the same time but i couldn't recognise it "are you ready?" He asked bringing me back to my senses i blink multiple times my eyes shimmer even more golden while i quickly tilted my head towards the door

When i heard footsteps only to saw Jonathan also standing on the door his eyes meets mine the limp of my throat goes up and down as i gulp my mouth aparted to breath while i slowly reply him keeping my eyes on Jonathan then bringing them back to jimin "yes"
(Play the song given in the banner)

When i heard footsteps only to saw Jonathan also standing on the door his eyes meets mine the limp of my throat goes up and down as i gulp my mouth aparted to breath while i slowly reply him keeping my eyes on Jonathan then bringing them back to j...

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