chapter 12

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

I was sitting at the corner the whole room is dark beacuse of the curtains on my balcony not letting even a little bit of sunlight to enter i have kept it cover to let the angel lying on my bed sleep piecefully, she Fucking tired and I don't want her to get disturbed in any way if and if anyone by mistake wake her up

I would not like to do more then anything else but to rip there heart out of there chest, and if i left I'm not sure it is safe for her, beacuse there must be a reason behind her being so tired and that i know nothing more but she has run for like days her condition is clear and i can tell something is really not good with her

My eyes Haven't left her figure since I bring her at my place she was still sleeping and i was still sitting on the same couch i haven't slept i won't I don't want anything else but to eye her as much as i can and I'm surprised I'm not getting enough of her

My hand still holding the glass of wine drinking from it keeping my eyes on her they turn dark whenever she moves, just like this time I saw her moving again, and in a moment i saw her opening her eyes I didn't budge from my place i sit on the same spot the darkness is covering the whole corner where i was sitting and I'm Sure it's so much that she can't see me sitting in the same room when I saw her sitting up

She sits up half on the bed her eyes shinning in the dark room i can see them clearly while my eyes turn dark red, watching her every move carefully not daring to look away i want to watch what she will do her every movement all to capture it in my brain,

She looks everywhere she looked panic she's scared till now i can clearly see it by her body language the way her eyes scan my whole room in once she get up more now her legs were resting on one side they are long and have a perfect shape i would want nothing more then to wrap them around my waist and been her over on my bed underneath before wondering her all in once

Her wings are all in view she looks fucking delicious sitting on my bed like that her eyes were shimmering in the dark room they are terrified trying to get where she was her breathing was fast her body shiver a Little and that's enough for me to now get up she's fucking scared too much already and as soon as she wakes up

Everything around her making her scare more beacuse she doesn't have any idead where she was, and i can't let her be like this anymore she fucking needs my help and i would giver her whatever she ask for, and in return she'll give me what i Desire for

I get up from the couch after putting the glass of wine on top of the small table the sound which it makes, she heard it and quickly tilted her head at my direction her eyes trying to find what is hiding beneath the darkness while her mouth aparted to breath as her breathing stops for a moment

I walk until i reach near the balcony pulling on the strip of curtains and in a moment they get wide open lightening up the whole room and she is more clear to scan now makes me satisfied, as soon as I open the curtains her eyes meets mine my eyes turn darker when her lands on mine and she frozed on her place for a moment

I step forward reaching near the bed my eyes never leaving her while i take slow steps before I bend my body down and crawl towards her, she shift her body back staring at me with her terrified eyes she shift back more when i finally reach near her and her hand slips on the bed sheets making her fall on top of it, her back touches the cold sheets she wince

And her eyes meet mine again when my broad fram now finally hovers on top of her tiny ones her body shivering in fear her eyes her mouth aparted to breath while she hold her breath in when i leaned more closer near her face until her quick breaths Hits on my lips her eyes glistening when a drop of tear fall down from her cheeks

Her state somehow making my heart ache in some way and i don't know why I bring my one hand up to her face near her cheeks wiping of the tear rolled down her eyes, before bringing my mouth near her ear to speak "shshh" my voice came out deep and raspy i speak right inside her ear and she take a deep breath

Pulling back to have her face right infront of me i lock my eyes with her my eyes changing there colour to red, and the viens on my neck start coming out when the smell of her blood enters my nostrils, she was holding her breath in scared to even breath near me, her mouth was aparted to breath while i open my mouth to speak again

When my gaze lands on her lips again bringing my hand up and i rub the pad of my thumb under her lower lip before speaking with my same voice making it even soft for her "breath little one I won't hurt you until you ask me to" a smirk appears on the corner of my lips when i speak near her lips she shut her eyes tigh before breathing out

And a soft sweet melody enchoed my ears "where i-i a-am?" her words break she is fucking trembling under me her voice sound like the most beautiful melody i have never heard before I can't wait to hear my name with this pretty little mouth in this sweet melody

I bring my one hand up place it on her face keeping my mouth near hers enjoying the way her warm breath hits on my lips "you're at safe place sweetheart, this is my place and you can stay here as long as you want" i speak near her ear she stops for a moment not speaking nor moving she stare in my eyes directly trying to get that i mean the words I said or not

Trying to find out that is she safe underneath me or not her eyes scanning me all, she looks fucking innocent staring at me like that wanting to be loved to get a safe embrace where she can hide from the world around her who wants to hurt her, her innocence is so pure that i just want to drink it down have her all in once and make sure this angel never leave my side

"W-who are y-you?" She asked ever so softly making my heart flutter, she gulped her eyes glistening due to the Salt water filling inside them a smirk appears on the corner of my lips on her question "you have entered the land of death sweetheart and i ruled over this place the king of Trace my name is Kim taehyung"

"W-who are y-you?" She asked ever so softly making my heart flutter, she gulped her eyes glistening due to the Salt water filling inside them a smirk appears on the corner of my lips on her question "you have entered the land of death sweetheart a...

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