chapter 40

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

The door gets open revieling jonethan my eyes turns dark red while the viens on my neck start coming in view as he stares at me with shocked expression my hands dipping deap inside my pockets while we stand as it is for a moment i saw him gulping

While he blink his eyes multiple times, it's the first time i came here all alone driving by my own self all the way to his house and especially when he didn't know, he hung his head down staring at the ground before tilting his head back to meet my bloody red gaze "now can I?" I asked him and he quickly shake his head to came back onto his senses while his words break

"Ya-yes" he says staring at him for a moment more he step aside to let me enter, my eyes turns darker as soon as I enter the house it always reminds me how'd he tried to hide from me, stepping inside with slow steps i stand and scan the painting in the corridor, he bought new ones they're not here last time "come with me" he says my eyes meet his once again before i saw him walking past by me

I follow him while he leads me to the same huge library, he knows very well I'm here for a work not for a talk especially when i came alone, i didn't bring jimin because I don't want him to know about this not yet turning around while i stand near the same table where he last time tries locator spell and it didn't work only the thought of it making my eyes to turn even more red while a sort of rage start building inside me which I tried to hold back as much as i can

Walking towards the couch trying my best not to broke anything beacuse of remember how that bastard block our spell by using hiding spell, i take a seat resting my back on the couch with my mind start fucking things up throwing my head back i bring my hand up to rub my temple with my index finger and thumb when i heard him speaking "here!!" I open my eyes and bring my head back only to saw him standing infront of me

With two glasses of alcohol in his hands, my eyes meet his before taking the glass of alcohol from his hands he walks towards the table back and i bring the glass near my lips drinking it whole in one sip, my eyes turning more red while anger inside me building up, the viens on my neck coming in view and and soon when he turned around his gaz meets mine and then travels again to the empty glass in my hand

He got frozed in shock i bring the glass infront of him gesturing him to make another one for me, he huffed and grabbing the bottle of alcohol from top of the table, he pour it in my empty glass filing it all again, a sighn of satisfaction leaves my mouth this is the only thing that can control my anger or desires

He turned around and walked towards the table again, taking a sip from my drink while his eyes on me as i stare at the books placed on the huge shelf his other rooms are so much smaller then his library, his library is Maybe a little smaller then mine, but have more books then mine, bringing the glass near my lips i take another sip i Know his eyes on me waiting for me to speak to know the reason why am I here

"I have a seer living in my house" i heard him choking on his drink my gaze turns towards him he was bending down as the drink got spilled over his shirt, he pinch his shirt with his fingers to prevent it from sticking on his skin, he breathed out and quickly put the glass on the table before rushing outside the room, while unbuttoning his shirt

Well it's beacuse he was surprised, he defenetly should be even I am, this is the first time that a seer is alive when I'm ruiling the trace, especially she was now living in my own house she wears my cloths sh sleeps on the same bed as me, the things which i have never done in my whole life nor i even though about doing it, especially letting a woman sleep beside me i even hate then sitting near me, or Calling me by my name I hate it even more when they touch me

There touch is what makes me furious to rip them apart but this woman, this woman is fucking driving me crazy, what i can all think is about having her on the same bed where i sleep right beside me sniffing her sweet delicate aroma, her touch makes feel so fucking satisfied then someone can ever make me, the hot delicious Paradise she hides beneath some thin fabric, which helps her to hide her precious body to not let anyone even touch it

Having her body is like worst then taking drugs, i haven't do her yet but even the thought of it makes my mind fucked up, having her is like drinking the salt water, you drink it once and your thirst will increase more harder

She has forced me to become a man I'm not, and I don't fucking care now what i need and desire for right now is just her as whole, especially when i know she's not like other Seer's now, she healed my wound maybe unknowingly but i saw the worry in her eyes, that so fucking precious eyes shredding those precious tears just for a man who thinks to end her life every single day her Fucking innocence is so much to handle

The way she gets scared after watching me like that it's the first time ever someone has watched me in pain, in my weakest moment, and she cares for me she was scared as hell the way her body and hands were shivering, and now i want her even more then before i want her as whole even more

I want her to serve me her as whole and i will take care of her in a very good way that she would want nothing more then me, i would drive so far INTO her that she never wants to come back!!

I heard the footsteps approaching again, i Take the last sip from my drink before turning my head towards him, watching him walking towards the table with his eyes fixed on the ground he's probably thinking of something and it's nothing else but about me letting and that seer, he has changed his cloths he is wearing a black shirt now

He inhales in deeply before breathing out his eyes meets mine and then he looks Down again, "i-i am sorry, now let's continue" he speaks now meeting my eyes again everything went silent for a moment before i put the glass on the ground and inhaling in i get up my eyes never leaving his, the viens on my neck coming in view when i bring my hand up to my coat

Opening it and removing it from my body throwing it back on the couch and the seacond my hand reach for my tie loosing it a bit, opening some upper buttons of my shirt i tug on the fabric of my shirt near my pants pulling it up until my bear body is infront of him I pull the fabric more up revealing him the skin near my abs and his eyes widens he quickly stand straight

His eyes staring at the spot like he had seen some sort of magic or ghost, well he should be the panic is clear on his face the shocked expression his heart beat gets slower like it's going to stop right now the sweat dripping down from the side of his face while he quickly walks towards me eyes never leaving the spot his body is shaking a little in shocked he bend down and bring his hand to touch on the same spot "w-where is t-the wound"

His words bearly coming out his eyes meets mine again he gulps he was staring at me like he had never seen this happening before "dissapeared for forever" i reply him my voice came out deep and cold with my eyes turns dark red while i leave the hold on my shirt to let it fall back and cover my body, he turns around his body hands resting near his waist his back facing me while i start buttoning my shirt again

His head hung low i can sense the way his body was tensing up the way his heart was beating slow i won't tell him how this happens he will ask me by himself and he did "did that seer did it?

His head hung low i can sense the way his body was tensing up the way his heart was beating slow i won't tell him how this happens he will ask me by himself and he did "did that seer did it?

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Seer and Sinful • KTH | +18Where stories live. Discover now