chapter 3

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♪•Jᴜʟɪᴀ Mɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟs Fɪғᴛʏ Sʜᴀᴅᴇs - (ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ)

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♪•Jᴜʟɪᴀ Mɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟs Fɪғᴛʏ Sʜᴀᴅᴇs - (ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ)

I take my eyes away from my drink when my phone rings, I bring my gaze back infront to stare at the view infront of me while i dipped my one hand inside my pocket taking out my phone and i picked it up without glancing at the caller id

"Yes" i speak with my cold and dark voice while bringing the glass again near my lips taking another sip when I hear the person on the other line start speaking "sir jeongs want to meet you tomorrow" I hummed in response to him while my gaze turns darker red I leaned the back of my head on the couch

Staring at the ceiling of the room while it take time for me to think before speaking again I take a deep breath in before opening my mouth while the man on the other line don't even dare to utter a word "okay fix our meeting at 8:30 sharp" i speak making my voice sound more deeper and cold when i hear my assistant speaking again "okay sir as you say"

He speaks and I disconnect the call throwing my phone away on the direction of my bed while I close my eyes inhaling deeply when the cold wind makes contact with my bare skin again putting my drink on the small table near the couch

I wake up when the sun rays hits my face directly, sqeezing my eyes when my head pains a little, I slept on the couch only last night I bring my hand up to rub my index and middle finger on my temple taking a long breath in I bring my head back which is being resting on the couch whole night a groan left my mouth when it hurts a little

Opening my eyes now properly finally I get up from the couch the curtains are open as it is like the last night sun raises are entering from the balcony lightening up my whole room, i walk to my bed grabbing my phone and opening it to check the time it's seven right now, throwing it back I turn around to take quite shower

Bringing my both hands up to my hairs entangling my fingers in them while throwing them back exposing my forehead while walking towards the bathroom, removing my left over clothes, i step in before turning the shower on, the water droplets makes it way through my whole body I hung my head low while resting my one arm on the wall infront of me

The water running down my whole body while I bring my other hand on the wound which was about my waist line near my abs rubbing my thumb on it it's huge it hasn't healed yet, just beacuse it's magical I still remember how I get it and the reason behind it, it doesn't hurt now after that man helped me to break the curse it doesn't

But only in full moon when I was locked in the curse it hurts like hell, but now it only happens when it cames directly on the contact of moon light, the full moon bearly seen now but that also feels worst then he'll, the only day when my power got weekend, it's just for me with alot of power you also get something which is your weakness and mine is full moonlight

Other alphas turn themselves on this night but I try my best to stay in, now from the day the curse gets unlocked the scar only hurts when my power are week, not much as it does before my jaw clenched as soon as I remember how that bitch ruined my life for some years

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