chapter 91

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

I slowly open my eyes a harsh pain rushed through my head making me wince my mouth aparted to breath, as i take a deep breath in a painful moan escape my lips as i slowly open my eyes more facing the white ceiling as always, staring at it for a moment, before realisation hits me, my breathing quickens as i quickly get up on the bed

Breathing heavily and as soon as I did i saw the man i love sitting on the same couch right infront of me, the place he always sit whenever he eye me while im asleep, my eyes shimmers golden his dark gaze directly meets mine the blood in them moves making me slowly breath out and my eyes start filling with warm water remember that i have my memory back, my heart beats fast wanting to tell him so badly

But couldn't nothing came out of my mouth my heart filling with imotions making my eyes to shimmer even more when soon i saw him bringing his one hand up, i gulp while he didn't take his eyes away from mine, and i saw him gesturing with his index finger, taking another sip from the same red pomegranates wine he make me drink

I take a deep breath in when he gesture me to come towards him, my heart pounds even more faster, as i do what he wants slowly getting up from the bed wearing nothing but the piece of shirt covering my body, which was half unbutonned bearly covering my chest, tears rolled down my eyes as i step closer to him his both hand came up to grip on both of my outer thighs

Signalling me to spread my legs as i did, before setting me on his lap, his one arm came to circle around my waist i feel his touch and that's enough for me to break down another tear rolled down my eyes i saw the viens near his eyes moving when i open my mouth to speak "t-tae tae i-i" i wanted to tell him tell him that i remember everything and before i did he shushed me

Gripping tighter on my body making me pressed all over him he placed his one large palm on the side of my face cupping my cheeks, before pressing his thumb under my jawline and tilting my face up to meet his more, my eyes got shut as i breath out feeling his mouth hovering over mine loosing myself under his touch which I'm getting to feel after months i miss him i miss him so much

He pushed my jawline making my head fall back, the limp of my throat goes up and down as i gulp, feeling his every hot breath hitting my lips, he brush his lips over mine before slowly pressing a soft wet kiss under my lower lip making me fist on the fabric of his wide open shirt revealing his well build broad chest

"Do you know how much i fucking hate it when you as me who i am?" He speaks his voice came out darker and deeper making my body shiver in his arms as i breathed out and my heart almost stops beating knowing he already knows that i got my memory back, my eyes got open on his words and his quickly meets mine the blood inside them moves making me breath out while silent tears came out of my eyes

My eyes shimmer in golden when i heard him against he speaks keeping his mouth close making sure our lips brush whenever he speaks keeping my face in place "do you know how much i fucking hate it when you almost fucking died" he groweled clenching his jaw before opening his mouth and taking my jawline between his teeths my eyes got shut again letting my heart ache with each word he says

I can feel him just by the way i feel myself how much i miss him, how much i hate even if something happens to him "i fucking hate it whatever you did without letting me know" i heard him his voice turns cold and dark making my heart ache "fuck words let me make you feel it how much you fucking make me mad sweetheart" he grunt taking my ear lob between his teeths before picking me up making me take a sharp breath and in a moment my back touches to the soft sheets

My heart beat quickens when i slowly open my eyes his broad frame towers over mine, his one hand make a hold on the head board while he brush the back of his fingers on my face his eyes turns darker even more filling with lust and desire letting me know he's going to break me ruined me now and then his stares goes right through my soul making me froze as i breath out on his next words "spread you pretty legs for me like a good girl little devil"

He ordered making me obey him without any questions keeping his eyes locked with mine daring me to look away and will rip me apart his hand slowly slides from my hips to my outer thigh, gripping on it gently before leaning closer to my ear before whispering in his most dark and raspy voice "good girl"

Opening his mouth he place a soft wet kiss on my sensitive spot making me moan softly in response while he grunt darkely right inside my ear before taking something out from his pocket "now don't move" he warned bringing his face up and placing a soft small kiss on my cheeks before growling and opening his mouth taking the flesh of my cheeks between his teeths Biting on it

He slowly pulled my one leg up, keeping his eyes locked with mine, going down pressing his lips on cleavage making me arch my back as my eyes got shut, his One hand slowly lifts the fabric of shirt up my stomach making my chest heavily rose up and down by the thought of what coming next

He slowly lift my one leg up facing my inner thigh placing butterfly kisses all over my skin making my legs shake just by this small move before a loud moan escape my lips as i felt the sharp blade sinking inside my skin "shh it's going to be all right" he speaks placing a soft kiss on the old initials he has carved before his every breath hits the same spot his eyes turns red more the viens cover all over his face as the blood flow out of my body

My mind goes blank in sharp pain as he kept on going humming in satisfaction near my skin keeping his mouth close my both hand grip on the soft bed sheets when he throws the knife again before switching it with his mouth, my back arched and my head dissapeared in between the pillows arching my neck as he grunt and cleans me up, sucking and licking every drop of blood leaking out of my skin

Before pulling back and taking the same leg up hiegher his broad frame hover on top of my breathless state again, leaning closer he placed his palm flat on my other leg too spreading me wide open for him my heart beat quickens when he slowly put the same leg where he carved new initial on top of his shoulder, keeping it in place with a gentle grip leaning closer and placing a soft kiss on the side of my face

He whispered right inside my ear "can you love a monster sweetheart?" He asked his words makes me open my eyes my mouth aparted to breath when i felt him placed on my entrance "cause i fucking love you so much little angel" he grunt and i one pound he thrust deep inside my love wet hole my both hands grip on his broad back while his words makes my heart flutter and tears filled my eyes i remember what he says last time

"I'm a monster sweetheart, i know nothing about love, all i know is you're mine, but i can't love you"

"T-tae" i try to speak while my nails scratch his back making him grunt and pounds harder reaching deeper making my body shift upwards while he grunts darkely near my ear "i fucking love you little fighter, if Loving means what i feel about you then i Fucking love you"

"T-tae" i try to speak while my nails scratch his back making him grunt and pounds harder reaching deeper making my body shift upwards while he grunts darkely near my ear "i fucking love you little fighter, if Loving means what i feel about you th...

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