chapter 5

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

I park the car right near his house, opening the door i step out I'm now at jimin's place, for that stupid party which he just make it happen without any reason, out of no where he always do this and I had to attend it no matter what beacuse I have to he helped me and i can never forget that

So for that atleast I can handle some of his stupid parties, there are not that bad the girls whom he always called to make it even more interesting, helps me to release my stress which only caused beacuse of stupid things happening inside his house the way everyone gets drunk and do things which always pissed me off so all i do is to sit on the corner and enjoy my drink

Like always I'm going to do it today also, no body dares to even look at me they mind there own bussines or you can say they don't have any bussines they're just to much out of senses that they forgot there own name, i dipped my both hands inside my pockets taking long steps towards his door i press the bell button and stand there for a moment waiting for him to open the door

I can hear them shouting the fact there are alot of people inside is making me huffed and the music is loud too he definitely didn't heard the bell being ring beacuse he hasn't opened the door yet i stare at the white door for a moment before my senses blowed up in anger I hung my head low while a smirk appears ok the corner of my lips

I bring my one hand out from the pocket before gripping on the handle of the door and in a moment I broke down the lock pushing the door open i entered only to saw alot of people in the hall my eyes wanders every corner in a seacond while I bring my both hands up and my eyes catches the man who is the owner of the clowns gathered in here

A pissed smile appears on my lips when his eyes meet mine he was wondering in between the hall when he finally catches my attention, giving me his same bright smile he steps towards me until he stands right infront of me while i tugged on the buttons of my coat before closing them when he finally stands right infront of me

With a confuse expression on his face "taehyung when did you came and who opens the door for you" he asked sqeezing his eyebrows together while i hummed in response dipped my both hands inside my pockets again my eyes scan the people behind him "well no body did so I opened it by my self" i reply with a last word my eyes meets his again

He tilted his head to peek behind me before he steps past by me "and I broke your precious door Mr park" i speak while he checked his door lock which was half dead and of no use now "oh shit well it's okay let's go" he says closing the door again stepping beside me he put his one hand on my right shoulder before start walking i tilt my head to look at him while i walk with him trying to get did he just actually put his hand on my shoulder?

He didn't glance at me while he kept on walking and having no choice i walk with him he takes me to the small bar stopping there and finally removing his hand from my shoulder

The lighting of the room is so dark purple color covering the whole room, while people dancing together shouting and enjoying the loud music while some of them making out in the corner not caring who is watching them

I looked back to him while taking a seat near the bar counter right infront of him spreading my legs apart before before leaning my body forward down on the counter with my both arms resting on top of it, the loud music is pissing the shit out of me as much as I like piece there is no sighn of it

I grab the small shot of alcohol which the bartender brought infront of us as same as jimin orders him he knows what I like, in one sip I drink it whole before putting the small glass back Down on the counter I can see from the corner of my eyes the way he got frozed before bringing his drink near his lips

"Well what do you think?" He asked I tilt my head towards him my eyes turning dark while i stare at him for a moment before opening my mouth to speak "of what" I asked while brings the same smile on his face "of the party" this man is really unbelievable he knows very well how to make me piss off even more when I already am

A smirk appears on the corner of my lips while I look away from him "shit as always" i speak grabbing another shot and gulping it whole at once he nod at my statement while my eyes turns red on the second shot i tilt my head directly meeting the gaze of bartender "bring me a whole bottle" i speak my voice came out low and cold while he quickly leaves the work he was doing and walked to give me what I asked for

He came back in a moment pop opening the bottle before handing it to me i grab it before getting up pushing the chair back when I hear jimin speaking "hey aren't you coming?" He asked while i speak without looking at him "no you enjoy I'll be back just need to finish this" he smirk and i make my way straight to the couch placed on the corner of the hall

Sitting down on it leaning my back against it spreading my legs before drinking from the bottle of alcohol my eyes landed on jimin a girl came to him and he quickly gets up before joining her i keep my eyes on everyone enjoying my drink on the corner so much better then joining all these clowns

I drink again when I felt a flat palm running down from my shoulder to my chest I know who it is while i didn't burge to look back still sitting on the same position until the hand slides more down reaching till my thighs I put the bottle on the small table beside me before gripping on the hand before it reaches in between my thighs

I pull her arm until she starteled and came right infront of me bending her down with a harsh grip her face was right infront of mine while my other hand grips on her throat and she gives me her smile which is not so good in my eyes "you won't stop would you?" I ask her it's been a while since she start coming to the parties

Jimin told me she's his frnd just like other since then it's been thrice she tries to throw herself on me ready to get in my pants in any consciousness unaware of the fact that I unalive every woman I touch, i didn't except her approval I wanted to push her as much as possible that at a time she gets ready to even get die by my hands

She smirks while i grip tighter on her throat holding her on hand on place when I hear her speaking "no" she replies while a smirk appears on the corner of my lips "oh really?" She nodded biting on her lower lip seductively which I found too boring on her not so pretty face

I grip on her throat tighter and bring her down until she gets bend over her knees right infront of me, that's where every woman for me belongs i would never kneeled down infront of anyone that's not who I am, but I would bring every creature on there knees no matter they want it or not but they don't have any choice either

My hand on her throat wanders back on her open hairs taking a fistful hair in my hand gripping on her tighter before pulling them back to make her head tilt up while I pulled her towards me by gripping on her hips with my one hand I bend my body down to reach her height bringing my mouth near her ear before opening my mouth to speak "ok then if you're being such a good slut for me, but you have to obey my rules too no matter you want to or not you have no choice"

My hand on her throat wanders back on her open hairs taking a fistful hair in my hand gripping on her tighter before pulling them back to make her head tilt up while I pulled her towards me by gripping on her hips with my one hand I bend my body d...

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