chapter 25

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

"are we putting on to the work around us?" He asked while i kept my gaze fixed outside the window my elbow resting on the door before i finally open my mouth to speak "no now would you like to drive fast mr park?" I asked him in annoying tone my gaze turns darker while i tilt my head to meet his gaze on my last word he nodded his head and make his mouth shape in oww

Before turning the stearing wheel and bringing his hand down to change the gears, for i moment i glare at him as it is while he kept his eyes on the road he's been asking me so stupid questions since we left our place and it's pissing the shit out of me, turning my head back again I looked out the other thing that angel is fucking driving me crazy not leaving my head even for a moment and that's making my every sense to blow out

In anger beacuse I want her near me right now!!

"You know what?" I heard him speaking again i press my lips together while hunging my head low i huffed in annoence bringing my hand up which was resting on the open window and rubbing my temple with my index finger and thumb my jaw clenched before i finally reply him "now what?"

"What if he didn't do as our sayin?" He asked his question make me to look at his direction with my eyes brows furrowed "what do you mean" making my voice cold and dark I speak his words makes my eyes bloody red "you know what i mean it's been years now what if he di-"

I cut him off knowing very well what he means a smirk appreas on my lips while i leaned my head back on the seat with a smile appears on the corner of my lips i stare outside the window again before speaking "then I will make him do it weather he wants it or not he have to" i hear him humming in response when i heard him speaking

"Ohh here we go we're here" his words makes me turn my head to have a look infront of me, the view infront of me makes me stop on my tracks for a moment and thought that he really lives in this place makes me surprise

"Are u sure he lives here?" I asked him without taking my eyes away from one spot long big old trees covering all around his house the ones which looks more older then they are, the long bushes and black leaves on some part the house is a mess from outside broken from many places the wood coming out its tall but small from inside you can tell it as you see his house

It looks like a house of a cruel witch who do black magic too much that her surroundings becomes dull and like more alike dead just like her

"Yes" i heard him without taking my eyes away from the place near me "okay then let's go" i reply him with that my gaze turns darker as soon as I open the door and step out turning my head staring behind my back the root where from where we just come right now, and tuning my head to the direction of his house again the place is such a mess

I heard jimin shutting the door of driving seat catching my attention our eyes meet and i nod at him in approval before we start walking further

Talking slow steps with my one hand dipping inside the pocket of my pant, now i stand right infront of the big silver gate the design it has looks old, the Dirt which was sticking on top of the metal and some spider webs in every corner, i put my hand on top of the gate pushing it  open but it didn't making me furrowed

Seer and Sinful • KTH | +18Where stories live. Discover now