chapter 6

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

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♪•Mᴏᴏɴᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Nᴏᴄᴛᴜʀɴ - (ᴅᴀʀᴋsɪᴅᴇ sʟᴏᴡ)

I whisper right near her ear while she smiles before opening her mouth to speak "anything you say" a smirk appears on the corner of my lips she doesn't even have any idea what my rules are my grip on her throat tighter and i hear her whimpering "well then listen to me very carefully little slut" i speak clenching through my teeths

My eyes turning red the viens on my neck popping out she put her one hand on mine which was gripping on her throat "first you are not allowed to touch me, you are not allowed to call me by my name when i fuck you, third you are not allowed to see me without clothes i won't strip for you only you will, fourth and last" i speak my voice came out deeper and husky the warning is clear in my tone

My grip on her throat loosened I bring my face up to stare in her eyes, her eyes locked with mine my eyes colour changed to dark red blood flowing through them all which I have intake till now she gets frozed keeping her eyes still with mine that's what I do "I kill every woman i touch and i will end you too do you understand?" I ask her eyes not daring to look away from mine

My thumb slowly cressed the skin of her neck taking her all in my control while she slowly opens her mouth to speak again "yes you can" she speaks making me satisfied a smirk appears on my lips while i leaned closer near her ear inhaling the smell of her fresh blood taking a long breath before speaking "good girl"

I wake up opening my eyes slowly, bringing my hand up to rub my forehead with my index finger and thumb, i get up slowly making myself sit straight on the bed my eyes turning dark as soon as I remember what happens last night, and i tilted my head to the side just to saw the same girl lying naked right beside me, i didn't remember anything from last night may be beacuse of alcohol

I huffed at the fact that this girl sleeps beside me, I never let any woman to even sit besides me and this is disgusting, my eyes turn dark as the anger build inside me I'm still wearing my same clothes just my coat and tie resting on the couch infront of me getting up i walk towards the couch grabbing my coat and tie in my hand

I walk out of the room walking on the area of corridor the whole corridor is made of glass wall the view outside of it is all trees just like mine but these are dull and dead trees which i defenetly don't like i stare outside while walking when i heard a familiar voice "ohh hey taehyung" i tilt my head to look infront only to saw the same man who own this disgusting place

I keep my eyes at him while he walked towards me stopping at a spot where I was standing "how's your night?" He asked I looked away staring outside again "well not so good I slept in the same bed as that slut and now I need to shower so desperately that it is making me fucking mad" i give him a pissed smile and my eyes turn red

He chuckled making me huffed and looked away trying my best not to just broke the glass wall infront of me with one punch "ok ok calm down just have a drink you'll feel better and between" he stops while i tilt my face back to stare at him "did you killed her?" He asked more in a whiper beacuse there are still some people who stay here all night and i can see the from a distance in the room right infront of me

They still look as drunk as last night I bring my gaze back to him before opening my mouth to speak "well I don't remember anything beacuse I drink alot last night and i think i didn't" i speak while it's clear on his face that he is shocked "beacuse that bitch is still breathing but don't worry I will i can't let her go that easily" i speak

My eyes changing there colour while q smirk appears on my lips and I tilt my head again to the glass wall but this time something catches my attention in a moment "ok then you come to that room with me" i hear him speaking but I didn't even budge to look at him my eyes fixed on th figure infront of me i furrowed to get a clear view but couldn't the trees and leaves won't let me

I turn my body a little now fully facing the glass wall my eyes turning dark and soon the view becomes clear as soon as that figure moves a Little more my heart skip a beat and I don have any idead why the viens on my face and neck start coming in view that different kind of rage building inside my body it's a woman and she has wings

It's fucking first time im watching someone like her i can't see her face but the fact that she has wings is making my heart beat fast thinking about what the actual fuck is this creature is, i was about to move to walk outside this house right now but my body gets froze as soon as she tilted her head up her gaze directly meet mine i don't think she can see me clearly from the other side

But I can her figure is not clear but she is Fucking breathtaking she's fucking beautiful my eyes turns red her wings are huge more then her tiny body her white dress is ripped from some sides but hunging on her body perfectly she looked terrified her Breathing is fast i can clearly see her chest raising up slightly while she tries to catch her breath her eyes are golden shimering in the day light

And I was about to scan her more but she looked down again looking right and then left she turn around and in a moment she disappeared, she runs i can see her running fast her thin dress flowing with the Rythm of wind while she runs fast her figure start disappearing in between the big trees and bushes but I still couldn't move

And I don't have any idead why, i couldn't come back to my senses I kept on standing on the same spot when I heard someone enough for me to broke through my thoughts "heyy taehyung" i tilt my head to the direction of voice only to saw jimin standing on the door I'm still not in my senses

"Are you okay did you saw something?", He asked while i tilt my head back to look outside the glass wall, sqeezing my eyebrows together trying to get what exactly she was, "nothing I'm c-coming" i reply him my voice came out low while i can see him from the corner of my eyes walking back inside the room

I don't know what was she who the hell was she I have never saw someone like her before, the way she has wings it confirm me that she's not normal, she's someone like us, and the fact that she is in Trace and i didn't even know about it, i rule over this whole place every creature there is no one who can hide from me then how the hell I don't know about her

And the fact that I couldn't react in that moment was making my mind blank, her sight when she looked up was flashing inside my head again and again, she is freaking breathtakingly beautiful, her one sight make me froze on my tracks, who the hell is she, and why she looked scared and like she's running from someone

So many questions are running inside my head while i walked inside the room my mind is still thinking of her, i walk to take a seat on the single couch lying in the room, taking a seat leaning my back against the couch, while my mind still is not in its senses my eyes were turning red the blood inside my viens is blowing up the anger taking control over me

At the fact that how the hell I don't know who was she, what the hell she was doing in my area the place where I rule and another thing which is making my blood boil that I didn't react i want to walked outside the house and just to take her with my bear hands to know what exactly she was but i didn't and Im defenetly going to hunt her down no matter what I need to do

At the fact that how the hell I don't know who was she, what the hell she was doing in my area the place where I rule and another thing which is making my blood boil that I didn't react i want to walked outside the house and just to take her with ...

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