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꒰ ❛ win❜ ꒱

The boy kept going early in school, hoping he would meet again the boy he encountered in the playground then he offered an ice cream. However, it kept disappointing the little boy because after that, he didn't see that boy again. Since he was too early, he sat on his specific seat and played with a guitar. He may be young but he already knows the basic chords and his daddy said that he can do better after some more practice.

"You're so cool, you know how to play it!" An unknown boy that was older than him also entered the room.

"Yes, my father always plays the guitar so he also teaches me." The new boy sat beside him.

"What's your name? I'm from grade 4-B." He asked the little boy.

"My name is…."


"Win!" The sunlight was too bright so I covered my face while I straightened my seat.

"Why do you keep calling my name?" My upper body feels so numb because I was sleeping with the same position since where at Bangkok. I shouldn't sleep again in the car for too long.

"I didn't tell you to come with me." Then he went out in the car and went to the compartment.

That's it, he was cold and hot headed after I went out with Namtan. He's been like that for the whole two months! That's why I insist on coming with him here in Chiang Mai to celebrate his birthday with him and also to celebrate Christmas with my family. Good thing the university was on Christmas break. I also went out to help him with our belongings.

For two months, I randomly dreamt about that boy and I think it started when I was sick last time. It's strange that I kept dreaming about that boy I didn't even know. Well, I can't see his face though I can see the people with him. His face was always blurred and it's disappointing that I'm about to know his name when Bright wakes me up. I just shrugged it off like I always do.

After we picked up our bags, we went on separately and I told him that I will visit them later in their house. I'm finally home again, I miss my mom.

"Win! My darling, your back!" My mom hugged me after she approached me.

*Arf Arf Arf*

"Oh you have someone with you?"

"Look mom, this is my new pet. Meet my lovely daughter Mom, meet Charlotte." Mom took her cage and took her out. She's wiggling her tail, I thought she would be scared and she has trauma with other people. Good thing she can adopt easily, I patted her head.

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