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꒰ ❛ win❜ ꒱

"Mew! Gulf! Seriously!?"

"Come on Win, you have to spend time with Zee alone to make up for those months that you didn't get with him." I want to kill someone now.

"You're always putting something on us!"

"Good luck Win, I want to hear tomorrow that you already have a boyfriend." I just gave out a sigh because these two already tricked us.

"Whatever, take care guys." Then I hung up our phone call. I honestly want to tell them about my relationship with Bright since I know that even they get mad at me for being close to their enemy. I know that somehow, they will still support my decision. But, Bright wants to keep us a secret. I texted Bright after the phone call that Mew and Gulf ditched us so I will have dinner with Zee alone. After knowing their plan, we decided to just go to his favorite restaurant to eat a decent meal rather than drinking at the bar with just the two of us.

"So how was school?" Zee asked me after we placed our order. Like before, our table is on the balcony.

"I'm fine, we're now thinking about our last project for finals. What about your study anyways?"

"I'm always keeping in touch with my professors and groupmates here even though I'm abroad. I don't want to fail in our last year. Don't worry, I can handle them." Right, I don't want to spend one more year at the university. We talked about schools and internships since the second semester is coming. Then our steak was already here, after the waiter placed our meal on the table, I was about to cut my steak but Zee stopped me then he switched our plates where the meat was already cutted into bite sized pieces. I can't help but to show a smug smile.

"You were being a gentleman huh? I didn't know that was the effect of living abroad." We just laugh at my joke then we just share random happenings when he was not in Thailand but of course, except Bright.

"By the way, can you come with me to Chiang Mai? I have to get something from home this Friday."

"As in this Friday?"

"Yes, I have to process my aunty's property there." I don't know if Bright can let me.

"Please? Come with me, I don't want to go home alone. Plus, I want to give my gift to your parents personally."

"O-Okay." I told him with an awkward smile. After we finished our meal, he offered to drive me home.

"Why didn't you drive your car today?" Zee asked me after he opened the car's door for me.

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