
585 39 13

Act normal, yeah normal

how do you freaking act normal

Do I just greet him and give him his coffee

Gulf though was cut when he feel his phone Vibrate

Boss Mew: When will you enter the office?

Gulf look around as he read the text

Boss Mew: Stop looking around I'm waiting for my coffee

That's when it hit him

The glass from Mew's office is tinted, he basically can see Gulf


Gulf sprint his way to the office. Entering Mew's office he can feel the latter's eyes on him.

"Coffee," Gulf said handing him the coffee which he take letting out a teasing smirk.

"You good"

Gulf force a smile, looking at his boss "Good, I'm good, you good?"

"I am good"

"A-anyway why are you early?" Gulf ask

"Have to drop Perth to school early for some reason" Mew said  before taking a sip from his coffee

Gulf just look at his boss absentmindedly so does Mew stare at him with a grin

"U-uhm I-I'll go back now" Gulf stutters fixing his bag that

Gulf's office is just next to Mew with a glass wall separating them.

Gulf was about to enter his room when Mew suddenly call his name

"Hey nong"

"Yes sir?

" Wanna go have a lunch date with me"

Fucking what?

The surprise with a hint of panic on Gulf's face made Mew chuckles softly

"L-lunch what now sir?"

"Oh, a lunch date with Perth"

You're delusional Gulf

"Perth and I have a lunch date today, but he insisted on you to come to join us"

Oh so it was Perth who want me with them

Ahhhh stupid gulf you're delusional

"But won't I disturb your lunch date with your son?"

"Well, not really, it would be nice, to get to know you more, won't it?"

Gulf just stand by the door thinking of a possible answer

It's a yes or no question idiot

Gulf scold himself

"S-sure" then he left, he didn't wait for Mew to answer he said yes then left

Upon entering his office, Gulf let out the breath he didn't know he was holding, quickly sitting on his chair fishing out his phone, and messaging Win

Me: I should have filed a leave

Bunny 🐰:  dude this is like your second week and you're showing your true self

Me: serious Win, Mee just ask me on a lunch date with his son and I look dumb while thinking if I should yes or no

Bunny 🐰 : *GASP*!!!!

Me: Did you just gasp at a message

Bunny 🐰: You and Mew on a date???

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now