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"Phi messaged me that his son is fine but need to confine Gulf said sitting on of the chair in Mew's room

They currently trying to finish reviewing and signing some paper that to be sent tomorrow.Yihwa also keep on sending Gulf an Email regarding the party that will be held in a couple of weeks. Gulf call a room service for his and  Mew's breakfast and as soon as they finish eating the two start on their works. Gulf is by the table while Mew is in the bed, Mew in a casual wear while Gulf is in a semi formal wear

Gulf was checking and reading some mails while Mew where reviewing some reports. The resort in Chiang Mai is not the only project they have to finish this month. Fortunately, Mew has his cousin to help him.

P'Yihwa send me a another picture of the venue

Gulf metally sigh as he open Yihwa's mail.

This is bigger than the last venue, probably more fancier

"Khun I'll send you the mail P'Yihwa send me" Gulf said

"If it's about the party, please don't"Mew sigh "I actually have no knowledge what is good and not regarding such topic"

Gulf chuckled at his boss's remark. Gulf seem to notice that his boss doesn't like party, he notice how Mew would cut his conversation with other businesses men/women short and how Mew would pass some meeting to Gulf.

Seems like Phi is not that social, I bet Win can't relate

Gulf can't help but smile reminding himself of his social friends.

After an hour of typing and reading Gulf stand up and stretch a little revealing his side hips which Mew notices something

"Uhm Nong?"

"Krub Phi?" Gulf asked as he look at his boss

"Your're side" Mew said pointing at Gulf's side that seem to fold a little showing Gulf's skin "A stab wound?" Mew unsurely question. Gulf look at his side lifting the hem a little to show a stitch mark

Is phi observing me or something?

"Ah these, honestly I don't remember how I got this but Win and Auntie said I got it when I fall on a cliff when I was a kid, Win said I already got this even before we meet when we were 7" Gulf explain caressing the mark "Well sir I'll buy as some lunch" With that Gulf left

"I just notice, you have a wound on your hips" Mew said as he pull his lover close to him. Mew and Type are currently cuddling after their little session, with Mew spooning his lover

"I got this when I fall on a cliff, I was chasing after my soccer ball when I didn't notice I was running towards a cliff, A branch stab my hips and I receive three stitches, but even after that the doctor said I was fortunate since I didn't bump my head" Type chuckle as he remember his past. Mew who has been listing pull him closer and whisper on his lover ear

"You should alway be careful not to hurt yourself,love" Type chuckle as he face Mew pecking his lips "I love you" Type said making Mew smile kissing Type again, but this time deeper. "Another round" Mew said getting on top of Type who glare at him but kiss him nether less


Mew shake his head on that flashback "I must been tired, should I take Gulf somewhere before we go home tomorrow" he said to no one. Gulf arrive not too long with his and Mew's lunch. Mew sit next to Gulf ad Gulf gave him his lunch

"I just notice something" Mew suddenly said "I ask you to be friends but I never get to know you beside the things that was written on your form" Gulf look at him confusedly before nodding " Let's play 20 question, 10 question for me and 10 question for you"

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now