What truth?

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Gulf wakes up early and starts his morning routine including getting coffee for him and his boss also with his boss's driver before going to Mew's room. Knocking three times Mew open the door making Gulf widen his eyes as he looks away

In front of him is half-naked Mew who only has a towel on his lower body. Gulf can't help but compliment his boss's body. His nice sculpted 6 packs abs and the v-line just said it all

"Uhm Khun Gulf?"

"Ah right" Gulf shook his head to wash away his thought as he enters his boss's room "I bought you a coffee, it's the usual" Gulf said placing the coffee by the table

Gulf then starts taking care of the papers while Mew is dressing.

Khun has a nice body

He thought as he finds himself observing Mew's body before he realizes

"We only need to visit the site then meet the lead architect right?"

"Well yes, you also have a lunch meeting with the director of xxx company then after lunch, we can meet the lead architect"

"Is that all for today?" Mew asked

"For now Yes"

Mew drink his coffee as Gulf double-check his schedule and the important paper they need

"Ah right Khun" Gulf call when he realizes something "Khun Yihwa send me a pic of the supposed venue of the anniversary, she asked if you can check on it and give it a green light"

"She found a venue already?" Mew said "Honestly I'm afraid P'Yihwa would go all out about the anniversary"

"What is it Phi?"

"P'Yihwa tend to exaggerate at things like this" Mew chuckled "I just hope she won't invite everyone she knows" Mew sigh

Gulf can already imagine the two arguing about who to invite making him chuckled


Gulf and Mew are currently at the construction site talking with the engineer in charge when Mew notice something

"Is Khun Sam not here?" Mew asked looking around

"Ah Khun Samorn said she doesn't feel good so she stays at her room," Her Secretary said

Gulf can't help but giggle remembering last night event

Khun must be embarrassed, but does Phi really don't swing that way? Or he does but prefers not I mean he just doesn't like Khun.

Gulf was lost on his thought about his boss's sexual preference. Gulf doesn't really mind since Win is bi and he is not the type of person to judge people with such little knowledge about them.

Visiting the site is not that tiring but Mew and the other people in charge did talk a lot to not notice it's almost lunchtime

Gulf look at his wristwatch before tapping Mew

"Excuse me Khun but you have a meeting in 30 minutes" Gulf reminded Mew

"Ah right, well it was nice talking to you guys, I leave the work on you"

With that, the two left the site. In the car, their driver is currently waiting

"Phi did you really wait for us until we finish?" Mew asked the older

"Well I walk here and there, I also take the chance to eat some street food" the older man beamed "so where to?"

"To xxx restaurant" Gulf answered

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now