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"And and and he really pisses me and his so rude like he really doesn't have to be rude, his handsome but a major turn off" Win rant as Gulf roll his eyes

Mew and Gulf arrived at Bangkok yesterday and just as Mew said, Gulf take a day off only to listen on whatever Win is ranting

"Win you've been ranting about him for an hour and I get your point already," Gulf said putting down the freshly bake macaroons as he looks at Win who's sitting by the kitchen island

Win let out a puff as he takes the whisk from Gulf and starts whisking the supposed filling of the macaroons

"So why are we making macaroons anyway?" Win ask tasting the chocolate batter "taste good"

"I'm bringing this to Khun Mew and Perth"

Win gave him a look

"I just promise to cook or bake something for them"

"Yet you didn't even bother on making me pancake"

"Too much work"

"Put eggs in the pancake mix is too much work than making these macaroons?"

"Then why didn't you make it when it that simple" Gulf deadpanned

"Too lazy"


"So you're going to the office just to deliver this?"

"Why not?"

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

"Me too"

"You're injured, no"

"Fine, but I'll be staying here until I got better" Win give up

"You'll stay even if I say no"

Gulf continues on doing his macaroons while Win helps him. Baking is a thing that, might not be believable, but they enjoy it. Though Gulf is the one who makes it a hobby, Win just enjoys baking here and there.


Arriving at the company building, Gulf double-check the macaroons he will be giving to Mew and Perth

Gulf greet Lay much to Lay surprise since she knows today is Gulf's day off

"Nong Gulf, what are you doing here"

"I just need to give something to Khun na Phi" Gulf smile before getting a small box that has the macaroons on it "Here Phi I made this, share it with the other Phi" Gulf said handing her the macaroons

"You bake? Well thank you, I'll be sharing this to the other"

With that Gulf went to the elevator going to the top floor. There he was greeted by Bass who's talking to someone


"Gulf what are you doing here?"

"Delivering something," Gulf said as he hands Bass the macaroons "Share this with the other"

"You made this?" Bass asked examining the foods

"I did, well Imma go to Khun"

Gulf slowly enter their office then knock on Mew's office door which he answers with a "come in"

"Khun" Gulf call

"Gulf, what are you doing here?"

"Am I interrupting something?" Gulf asked slowly walking in front of Mew

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now