First day

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"Good morning auntie" Gulf greet his auntie with a smile

"You look happy"

"Of course I am, it's my first day of work"

"How was your sleep"

"Perfect auntie, it's been a while since I sleep like that"

Gulf sits next to his auntie

"Gulf?" Auntie hold the younger's hand who smile in exchange "Nothing"

Gulf chuckle at his auntie "Auntie, I'll be fine" he assuringly said

For some reason Auntie has always been worried about Gulf exploring Bangkok, even after a year or so leaving here, Auntie feel anxious letting his only nephew explore the big city they currently living in

After breakfast, Gulf hurry and went to the company. He is nervous but excited at the same time

"Hey good morning I'm Gulf Kanawut the new secretary" he greets the receptionist

"Ah Mr.Kanawut we've been expecting you, please proceed to the 15th floor in room 220"

Gulf thanked the lady and went to the 10th floor, pressing the number Gulf once again feel nervous than ever

Calm down Gulf, you can do it, you can do it

Gulf cheer himself up

"G-good morning I'm-"

"Oh are you Gulf Kanawut, I've been waiting for you" A beautiful girl cut Gulf

"I bet some people here have already told you look like Mew ex-lover right? Actually, I only see him once or twice so I can't see it but now I'm seeing you in person you two do look alike"

Now I'm curious on that guy face

Gulf thought

"So you're seeing someone?"

Gulf looks at the beautiful lady in front of him with wide eyes. Seeing Gulf's reaction the lady suddenly laugh out loud

She's beautiful but I think she needs mental help

"You must bee thinking that I need mental help or something right?" The lady stop laughing and look at the younger in front of him

"Anyway, I'm Maengmum Tanshi Burungkit you can call me Maeng but everyone call me Yihwa, I'm the COO of this company but because of Mew's hard head I also become his secretary but now that you're here you can fill my work," the beautiful lady said with a smile

Maengmum Tanshi is beautiful, that's what Gulf think after seeing the phi in front of him. She looks like a model with his height and body, she can also be a beautiful actress with her look

"Here let me tell you what you gonna be doing" P'Yihwa enter a room

In there, there is a mini office, a table with a computer set then some bookshelf and lockers than in front of the table a sofa

"This office is connected to Mew" Yihwa then open the door to reveal a bigger office

"This is his office, I hope I would always expect you to come by 7, well unless it was changed or something is up, Mew drink his coffee once he enters this office so I hope you have black coffee from cooheart's cafe it's 5 minutes walk from here, he wants his coffee dark"

Cooheart's cafe?

The two walk out from Mew's office to Gulf new office

"Do you know how a company works?"

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now