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Win Metawin, a law student, about to graduate and currently debating whether he should meet his stepbrother or not

Why does he even want to meet me?

Win grumble as he stands up, taking his towel before walking to the bathroom

I completely told him not to contact until my graduation

As you can guess, Win is not very fond of his stepbrother, to his stepfamily actually. He doesn't really know why but he just despises them making him part of the family after throwing out his mom

I don't need a younger brother nor a new mom

After the bath. Win prepare himself breakfast


Win groans as he looks on who's calling

"I told him not to contact me"

"Hey Phi"

"Didn't I tell you to-"

"Not call you before your graduation"

Win sigh as his stepbrother mock him

"You know it already, so why call?"

"Poh want to give you something"

"Why not deliver it to me?"

"Don't know, but meet me at xxx today before lunch"

"I don't want anything from your dad"

"His you're dad too" Win can hear the sadness on his stepbrother's voice

"I don't want anything from him"

"Can't you at least accept it, You haven't accepted any of his for the past 10 years"

"Stop it"

"Then at least have lunch with me na Phi"

Win is now debating whether to have lunch with him or not

Why do I need to have lunch with him

His other side thought

Why shouldn't I have lunch with him?

The other side argues.

Win looked at his phone for a very long minute before messaging Gulf

To Tiger:
StepBro asked me to have lunch with

Why not?

To Tiger:
Why should I?

Why shouldn't you?

To Tiger:
Stop answering my question with another question!!!

Tiger is calling
Answer         Decline

"Have lunch with him, and while you're there take a pic and send it to me so I can know what stepping look like"

"Uhmm Yeah no"

"Why?" Gulf whined from the other line "Are you afraid because his more handsome than you?" Gulf teased

Win rolled his eyes at his friend's remark

"He said  his dad has something to give me"


"I don't like accepting a gift from them, you know that"

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now