The boys is coming

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"So what time did you sleep last night?" Win questioned his friend

It was Sunday and the two decided to have Korean bbq at lunch.


"Yeah, early, early in the morning" Win sassed rolling his eye as he look at his friend

"No really, I got home at 9 and as soon as my body touch my bed after a bath I was out"

It was the truth, Gulf feel tired yesterday. It's been a while since he sleep that early since his coma the earliest time he slept was 12:30

"You should stop taking sleeping pills every time you can't sleep," Win said, worry can be heard from his voice "I'm not a doctor but I think you can fell asleep in a natural way without pills"

"What do you suggest?"

"You hate reading but reading can help you fell asleep" Win stated

"Where did you get that?"

"In a psychology book I read yesterday" Win smiled

"Psychology book? What are you doing with a psychology book?"

"For learning purpose"

As a law student, Win also need to learn a little psychology to help him in his future job

"By the way, where did you get that bruise, You only didn't see me for two days and now you have bruises" Gulf glared at Win who let out an innocent smile

"I was helping someone"

"Who are you? Freaking spider man?"

"Hey now, I was really helping someone" Win pout "you see last Friday I went to the usual bar and I was about to enter when this handsome man came flying from the door" Win explained

Gulf lifted a brow believing his friend but caught the "handsome man" part

"And who is this handsome man that needed help?" Gulf inquired

"If I remember correctly his name is Bright. He's also a doctor, he was about 2 cm taller than me and also look like a mixed race" Win stated

Gulf forehead furrowed as he listened to his friend describing this "handsome man" in detail

Win is observant, another thing he got for studying law

"You know I met him yesterday, he was friend with Fluke and the taller mixed-race handsome guy"

"Who is this Fluke and taller mixed-race handsome man?"

"You forgot the cute guy that hugs you in the mall?"

"Ahh him, but what did you do after seeing them?"

"I went to them the exact time Bright was guessing my name"


"I asked them to eat lunch with me" Win proudly said

"You're shameless" Gulf deadpanned

"Hey!! I'm lonely and it's being friendly" Win defended

"It's being shameless" Gulf sassed "here, let's eat here"

The two enter a Korean restaurant. Usually, the two would hang out every Saturday but because of Gulf's new work, they had to move it and do their date every Sunday instead.

Ever since becoming friend since elementary, the two already planned to always hang out every weekend

The two were currently looking for a seat when they were called by someone

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now