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It's night time already, Mew is currently resting at his room while Gulf is alone on his room still thinking of the old man's word

"What truth?" He thought aloud "Is auntie hiding something? Or is it a part of my memory?"

This making Gulf frustrated, he want to know the truth

I should call Win

Gulf grabbed his phone dialing Win's number



"Wow, didn't message me for the whole day and that's the first thing you gonna say to your dear old friend, I'm hurt" Win dramatically said

"How was meeting your brother?"

"Huh? Such a word exists?"

"Really though?"

"I told him he can have whatever that old man gave me and he said he gonna use is to buy me a present"

"How sweet of your baby brother"

That remark makes Win roll his eyes and Gulf can imagine it already

"Well, why you call?"

"Are you hiding something?"

"Hiding what?"

"Hmm I don't know, maybe some part of my memory?"

"Well I do know some of the things about you but those are not important, like how you use to like tying your hair"

"You sure?" Gulf wants to know "I mean is there anything important that I should know?"

"Why are you asking? I would have told you if it was important, something happens?"

Gulf thought that it would be more confusing if he told Win about the old man earlier

"No, it just I been having a flashback of a certain event but I just can't get my mind into it" Gulf reason

"Really? Should we visit your hometown?"

"N-no" Gulf voice became shaky "I-i c-can't you k-know that"

Gulf can hear Win let out a sigh

"It's not you can't" Win sigh "You're just too afraid knowing your past or maybe you feel regretful for you can't remember"

Win words hurt but that's the truth, and Gulf knows it. Gulf is afraid to go back because he knows he will feel more guilty and regretful more than he will ever be will

Gulf feels guilty because he can't remember the moment he shares with his only friend, he feel guilty because he doesn't remember who is his parents, how they treat him, how they love him. Gulf doesn't feel satisfied with Win and his auntie's word, he wants to remember how it feels

"Gulf, I will find a way to open that box"

That's the last thing Win said before hanging up


"Uhm hey kid, are you crying" A six years old Gulf asked the kid who's sitting in the corner of an alleyway, face buried on his hand using his knee to support it

Hesitantly the kid looks up to Gulf who gave him a warm smile

"Here" Gulf hand him a candy "You have it, it can help you feel better"

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now