Some part of the past

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"Phi what would you like to order and Perth too?" Gulf asked

After lunch, the three decided to eat Japanese crepe as a dessert, the two order while Perth went to the pet shop to buy something with Chopper

"Custard and banana for me and Perth" He answered

"One strawberry creme and two custard with sliced banana please," Gulf said to the counter

"Strawberry creme for me and chocolate almond for him," Type said pointing at Mew

"Fruit flavor dessert again" Mew groaned as the two take their sit after taking their food

"You know I'm not a big fan of dessert or sweet things yet you always bring me into cafe or dessert shop" Type scoffed "I'm not like you who has a sweet tooth"

"Yet you enjoy the Pudding Fluke made" Mew smirk "why do you even dislike sweet?"

"That is because it's my cousin food" Type answered "And I don't dislike it, I just found your own kind of dessert is too sweet for me" Mew can't help but to chuckle at his lover's answer

"What are you chuckling about?"

"I'll take you to Bobba tea shop tomorrow"

"I'm not going"

"Yeah, Earth will join us"

"More reason for me not to come"

Mew can't help but laugh at his boyfriend's answer that make Type glare at him before continue eating his crepe

"Fluke and he are almost the same, always pushing me to eat those overly sweet westerners dessert"

"Westerners?" Mew laughed again "Yeah, you can't say no once Fluke drag you"

"Shut up and eat your crepes"

"Hi- Phi- KhunKhun Phi Mew" Gulf's voice bring Mew from reality

Blinking a few time before looking at Gulf before looking at the crepes he holding, Mew let out a sigh

"Are you okay na Phi?" Gulf asked worriedly

"Okay, let's sit"

Reluctantly, Gulf follow Mew

What was Phi thinking?

What was I thinking?

Unknowingly, Gulf gaze on Mew as Mew was on his own world again, probably thinking of something

Or Maybe someone

"Perth sure does take his time" Mew break the silence between them

"Yeah, he does" Gulf smile "Uhmm Phi, If you don't mind"

Mew looked at Gulf

"Earlier, you mentioned P'Type's name" Gulf slowly said, "I bet you two went here before na Phi?" Gulf then smile

Mew looked at his hand then to the smiling Gulf before returning the smile

"He doesn't really like dessert" Mew chuckled "He always whined about me taking him to places like this"

P'Mew sound so in love

I must have thought out loud earlier, he must have felt awkward or something

"What about you?"


"Do you prefer fruit-flavored dessert more?"

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now