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No, not that kind of wet. Gulf and Mew were soaking wet after they run out of the rain to the small motel near wherever they got stranded

"Brrr it's cold, so cold" Mew shivered as he shakes his head while Gulf fold the umbrella

"Uhm Excuse me, room for two please," Mew said to the receptionist who gave a smile

"Perfect there's only two-room left" she beamed "Because of the rain there are some people stop by until the rain stop"

Mew and Gulf smile. The lady at the reception was about to give the keys to Mew and Gulf when another customer enter, a couple.

"Excuse me, a room please," the man said

"Ah I'm sorry but there's no room available"

Mew and Gulf look at each other before looking at the couple, the girl is shivering while the boy tries to keep her warm. Gulf gave Mew a look making him sigh

"Uhm we can share a room, so they can have the other," he said giving back the key making the man smile

"Thank you, we've been stuck at our car when we remember the motel here"

Story of our day

Gulf thought, mentally rolling his eyes

"There's a towel there and we can lend you our dryer to dry off your clothes, there's also a pair of clothes," the lady said, "though it's for a couple" she mumbled

As the couple left to their room Mew face the receptionist

"Ah right, missis there any gas station nearby?" He asked

"Oh no" the lady frown "The next gas station is 30 minutes away, but I can ask my brother to lend you some of our stock tomorrow" the lady kindly said making Mew's frown turn into a smile

"Thank you so much"

"My pleasure, you two should dry off before you got sick"

The two left to their room. Opening it, it has the aura. The aura that would put you in a mood to do "it" making the two of them let out an awkward smile

"Welp, it's a motel after all," Gulf said entering "you can take a bath first Khun" Gulf add

"You should go first, I forgot to ask the lady for dinner"

"I can ask her, you should take a bath first"

Mew look at Gulf as Gulf look at him, at this point the two are having a staring contest, which Gulf loses. Letting out a sigh Gulf quietly went to the bathroom

It has soap, shampoo, and even conditioner, there are two dry towels and a disposable toothbrush, and a toothpaste.

Pretty much complete


Mew and Gulf finish taking a turn on taking a shower and eating dinner the two are currently sitting by the bed in complete silence

"Ahh Khun?" Gulf break the silence

"I'm taking the futon, you take the bed"

"Uhm N-no sir, y-you should take the bed" Gulf stuttered

"It's okay, you can take the bed"

"But sir-"

"No but's, you're younger, you take the bed"

"But you're the boss"

"And I tell you to take the bed," Mew said "come on Gulf, you can take the bed, don't worry about me, in exchange you can bake me something" He smiled

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now