New secretary

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Mew groan as a sunray hit his sleeping face

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty" Mild greet Mew as the latter bury himself on a thick duvet that was soon removed from his body

"Wake up" Bright pull Mew's blanket

"Bright?" Mew sits up to look at his friends "Ohm and Fluke?"

"Making breakfast, here's your towel go get ready"

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We'll talk later, get ready"

Groaning Mew stand up and start getting ready to work

It's been 2 years since he starts taking over his dad's position as the CEO of the Jongcheevevat Corporation, 2 years since his new beginning start and 2 years since he last visit him. Everything was going well, Mew has moved on already, he finally accepted it, he finally coped it and all is good now

"You're son just left saying his late" Ohm said putting down their plates

Mew takes a seat next to Bright and Mild as Fluke and Ohm ready their food

2 years had passed but their friendship didn't change

"So, what are you guys doing here," Mew asked once everyone has settled

"We gonna help you look for a secretary" Fluke announced

Mew furrowed his forehead as he looks at his friends

"You need someone to help you work Mew" Ohm

"Yeah, ever since you take the position you haven't have a secretary" Mild agreeing

"But I can manage"

"Your son said you went home late again"

"I always come home late" Mew rolled his eyes

"That's the point"

It is true, ever since he took the position he hasn't got any secretary to help him. After taking the position, Mew thinks that making himself busy would help with forgetting him, which helps a little, so he doesn't bother looking for one. But after 2 years his friends are worried he'll pass his limitation. To help their friend they announced an urgent hiring pf a secretary

After breakfast, to Mew dismay, everyone went to the company to start the look for the secretary

"Good morning sir, we can start now," An employee said giving Mew a copy of the interviewer today

"This is unnecessary guys" Mew still refuse to look for a secretary

"Yeah yeah Ms. ask the first person to come in"


Gulf was anxious as he enters the 10th-floor building

Gulf wakes up early just to get ready for his interview today. As Win promise, he passes Gulf resume

"Good morning I'm here for a job interview" Gulf said to the receptionist

"Oh Good Morn-" the girl, who is around late 30, stop at his word as he looks at Gulf, eyes widened

Gulf who instantly feel uneasy look around before waving his hand in front the girl

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now