Not with the Past

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"Good morning P'Kao?" Gulf greet the person in the counter

"Hey Nong" Kao also greet the younger


"He's sick, I have to take care of the cafe today"

"You're work"

"No important meeting"

Noppakao Dechaphatthanaku is Earth boyfriend. Gulf know him even before he start working at the cafe

"What can I get you?"

"Espresso and latte"

"I heard you're currently working at Mew's"

"Secretary, I start working last week"

"How was it so far?"

"Good, everyone is nice"

Does Phi know p'Type?

"Hey Phi, you know Mr.Mew ex-boyfriend?"

Kao hummed as an answer.

"Does he look like me?"

Kao place Gulf's order in front of the younger and look at him squinting his eyes

"Grow some muscle, be a little smaller, cut your hair shorter and make your lips a little plump then you will look like him"

"Phi~"Gulf whined

"Everyone who knows him would think that the two of you look alike but for me, it's a no"

"Is that why you didn't react"

"I react to seeing you for the first time, but I don't see a reason to show it, you look like him so?"

Gulf was now curious about this guy's look, does he look like him or not. That just makes his curiosity grow

"Here Phi" Gulf said handing Kao a paper bag

"What is this?"

"P'Earth has been teaching me this recipe of his. And been failing but now I guess it almost good as his"

Kao take the cupcake out of the box and look at it before eating

"This is almost good as Earth" Kao let out a smile "Very good kid"

Earth has been teaching Gulf how to bake and brew coffee since he starts working at the cafe and even after working somewhere else, Gulf still want to learn to bake, maybe just for a hobby

Just like the usual, after ordering Gulf walk his way to the company building and just like the usual he greet everyone he encounters (?)

One more thing he need to know as a secretary is to know who is who and from which department they are, in that way it will be easier to deliver paper or message from who.

"Phi'Del here I bake some cupcake" he greeted the lady while giving the cupcake

"You bake?"

"Just for a hobby" Gulf smile "Bye Phi"

Week of working at the Jongcheevevat, Gulf never feel like he is a junior to everyone, everyone treat each other like family even P'Yihwa who was known to be sassy and easily annoyed

Gulf was about to enter Mew's office when he saw a guy talking to Mew. Slowly he knock before opening the door

Mew and the guy look at him

He look familiar

"Oh hey Gulf, Morning, meet Tay Tawan, He's my friend for so long already and Tay,Gulf my new secretary" Mew introduce

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now