Not an update

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So Uhmm I don't if you guys will read this but I remember posting telling that school about to start but then it announced to be move again this October 5, yesterday. So school start and it's only our second day but I'm already stress I have 4 undone subjects activities to be send this Friday and I also helping my brother's on their class not to mention my mom getting mad and suddenly shouting stressing me out.

So I'm sorry to say but I think I won't be updating until next week. But I promised to update once in 2 weeks or so I just need a break from the sudden stress. I really really really sorry, I also forgot all my plans for this story so I'll look for my notebook on

where I put my plans.

I been feeling a little depressed since last week then it gotten worse now so I'm really really sorry.🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ I promise to update once I feel better. I just feel tired and drained and stressed.

I hope you guys are doing better during this time. Stay safe everyone💙


They above is my authore note last year, I think October or August 2021, I'm gonna be honest after I loose this account I lost interest on writing so I stop trying to get my back account,but then I start having interest again so I use my spare account to try and write again but I never have the courage to post it.

But recently I start having interest again so I will continue this story, just curious If I should change my character or not but either way I'll keep writing this again^^

I'm sorry for ghosting this story for almost a year,and thank you for waiting :D

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