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Groaning, Gulf sit up and adjusted his rues on the sunlight

"What the hell are you doing here early in the morning?"

Win gave him a look and sigh

"What time did you sleep?"

"Uhm... Past 11 or so" Gulf rub the back of his head

Gulf has been insomniac ever since he wake up from a coma, some doctors said that it may be because of his parents' death or maybe because of the accident. It gotten worse when he started working, both Win and his auntie was worried

"It's almost lunch, auntie has to go something and went out already, let's go grab your brunch" Win went out his friends' room

Gulf look at his clock


Sighing, Gulf drag his tired body to do his not that really morning routine and went to his friend laying by the sofa

"Finally, let's go, I want to eat sushi today"

Gulf nod, they leave the apartment together

"Do you need your pills again?" Win asked Gulf worriedly once they enter the car

"No, I can manage"

"Manage insomnia"

"I've been anxious about something" Gulf finally spoke after a long silent

"Is it about the job interview?"

"No, I have confidence in myself"

"Then what about?"

"I don't know, just... about something"

The two then became silent

Honestly, Gulf was also confused on what keeps him awake at night, he tried everything to fell asleep but none of them work, except for the sleeping pills, but Gulf knows he can't always drink the pills

Arriving at the mall, the two then went to a sushi restaurant

"Do you think I'll get the job?" Gulf suddenly asked his friend

"I thought you have confidence in yourself" Win teased his friend who glares at him "Okay, okay, You'll get accepted okay, I know you can do it"

Gulf and Win continue eating. Gulf was thankful to have Win, he not only can be trusted but you can also lean on, Win was always ready to help his friend, only friend.

"Hey, would you ever feel nostalgic just by eating something?"

"What do you mean?" Win stopped eating just to look at his friend "you can even feel nostalgic even just smelling something that reminds you of something or someone, why?"


Of course, it's not nothing, today's menu remind him of someone used to be closed to him, he feel like he's been in this restaurant before, he feel comfortable eating in this restaurant

"By the way, The current CEO is the youngest member of their family right?"


"Usually the eldest son has to inherit the position, doesn't it?"


"But why does it was given to the youngest son to the youngest grandson?"

"You see my friend, the founder of the corporation has only one son, which is the former CEO, then the former Chairman has two sons, the eldest doesn't want the position then gave to his younger brother, which is the chairman right now"

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now