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"What will you do if I die someday" Type asked his boyfriend

"I'll follow" Mew answer without any hesitation

The young couple was at the apartment rooftop, stargazing. Mew sitting at the bench while Type we're laying by Mew's lap

"Mị̀, you can't" Type suddenly shout making Mew flinch

"Why are you even asking that?" Mew frustratedly asked his boyfriend who was glaring at him

"If I am gone one day I want you to continue living"

Type warm smile makes Mew's heart flutter. Type is not the kind of person who would always show his smile if he smiles it's either your close at him or he like you

"Why are saying it like you'll leave me already"

"I watched a movie, the girl died because of an accident, her boyfriend was heartbroken, crying every night, always looking at her picture, reading her last message and all"(Just made up random story) Type said

" If I'll leave you one day I don't want to see you cry or get yourself all depressed. I want you to keep living a life you wanted and move on. I want to see you, from wherever I will be, happy and continuing life ahead. I don't want any of my friends to mourn at me instead I want them to smile at me while saying goodbye, telling me a story. I don't want them or you to cry because I can't wipe those tears or give a hug"

Mew was silent as Type keep talking about what he wants and what he doesn't want. For Mew, Type was talking nonsense because this topic is so random that he can't even answer properly

"Na promise me that you'll never get all depressed when I left"

"You won't be leaving anytime soon but okay I promise"

"I broke my promise na Type"

Mew thought as he looks at the starry night. It became a common thing for him to have this kind of night thought, bringing back both happy and sad moments, predicting future or just some random

This type of atmosphere is the same when the two of them talk about want to do when he left

"I promise you that I won't get all depressed but I did"

He isn't coming back

Mew feel guilty all of the sudden

"But you're an idiot thinking that I wouldn't get hurt about it, I'm not like you Type. I'm not good at hiding my emotion, but even so, are you mad at me?" Mew closes his eyes as he let his tears escape

"Are you mad that I broke my promise? Are you gonna sulk like how you sulk when things are not going your way?" Mew sobbed

"Don't sulk na" Mew once again sobbed trying to stop his tears "I can't comfort you if you're gonna sulk so forgive me na" Mew forces a smile

"Besides I'm doing well, I'm doing what you want me to do. I'm living the life I wanted and I moved on already, Type, you can rest already, you don't have to worry about me na" Mew smile

I'm proud of you na P'Mew



Gulf whisper to no one as he takes a seat at his bed

Why do I suddenly feel like calling P'Mew

Gulf was confused about what his brain wanted him to do. Gulf shake that thought as he hears his phone beep, picking it up he lay down looking at his friend's message

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now