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Gulf groaned as he turn to his stomach burying his face on the pillows as Win ear his oatmeal looking so done at Gulf

"How do I face him? Like should I act normal?"

Win sigh as he put his oatmeal by the table next to Gulf's bed

"It's either you go to work or babysit me the whole day," Win said

Gulf's peek at Win, more like a glare, as he sighs.

"You just admitted that you need a sitter" Gulf sigh as he get up

Win let out a smile as he starts eating his oatmeal again "But seriously though, just act normal it's not like you confessed, it's the other way round"

Gulf look at him with the 'what the f*ck' look as he sighs "Bot helping Metawin"

"I don't what to do okay just act like you normally do, separate your personal life and your working life"

"Wow, you can actually say some smart things if you try" Gulf get up taking his towel

"I'm offended" Win roll his eyes

Gulf leave Win in his room as he went to the bathroom

Act normal, easier said than done

Gulf thought as he strips his clothes off

Act normal my ass, how can you act normal when your boss said he like you?

Gulf turn on his shower. He doesn't know how to act, it's not like this is the first time some-,

Wait, this is the first time someone confesses to me, right?

If, Gulf doesn't remember someone confessing to him. Not that no one did, he just doesn't remember someone did

"I like you N'Gulf" a 7 years old boy told Gulf who's busy eating

"I like Phi too"

"If we meet again, I promise I will marry you and make you my bride"

"Bride? but I'm a man"

"Then the groom"

"and you?"

"The both of us can be the groom"

"Is that okay? shouldn't there be a bride" young Gulf asked tilting his head with a look of pure confusion

"Hm it doesn't matter, Mae said as long as you love each other the two can get married even without a bride or a groom" the young fella answered with a smile making the two's parents giggles

"Okay, if we get older we will get married" young Gulf beamed, the two continue playing as the adult's talks

"Here," the young fella said handing young Gulf a flower ring he made "For now I'll give you this flower ring, but I promise to give you a real ring once we grow up"

Young Gulf giggles as he let the other fella put the flower ring on his finger

"I promise to wait for you and marry you in the future-"

Knock knock

"Gulf, what's taking you too long?" Win shout outside the bathroom "Dude it's almost 8 you have to go"

"Fvck you Win" Gulf shouted

"Ew Gay" Win jokingly gag

Gulf let out a sigh as he turns off the shower.

Gulf takes his towel and wrapped it around his hips before heading out glaring at Win who let out an innocent look.

Wearing his usual outfit and putting his hair in his usual hairstyle, Gulf look at himself with full if worry.

He didn't know how to face his boss later, the man literally just confessed to him and Gulf feels awkward, well no not awkward, more like Flustered and embarrassed on how he'll face his Khun

As much as possible he wants to act as if the confession never happened but he know damn well it's impossible.Now that he remember, what did he fo after the little kid confessed to him

Idiot the both of you we're a kid that time

"Dude you been staring at yourself for like 10 minutes already aren't you going?" Win asked throwing a pillow at Gulf who catches it and glare at his friend who let out a smirk

"Go already"

Gulf rolled his eyes as he leave his room and wear his shoes. Grabbing his bag,wallet,key and phone Gulf shout a Good bye to Win who answered with a "Good luck with your boss~" In a teasing btone making Gulf sigh

Here goes nothing


Gulf were now waiting for his espresso and and peach slush with his head by the counter using his hand as a pillow.Kao enter the cafe and went straight(gay) to the counter looking at Gulf and give Earth's forehead a kiss still looking at Gulf

"What's wrong with him?" He asked sitting beside Gulf

"He is too embarrassed to face his boss" Earth answered wiping a bottle

"And why?" Kao once again asked patting the younger head

"Apparently his boss likes him"

"Oh so your bo- MEW LIKES YOU" Kao who's usually quiet and calm person shout not that loud but caughting some customers attention and Gulfs'

"Phi you don't have to broadcast" Gulf said before letting out a sigh

"I-" Kao looks at Earth with a knowing look making Earth shrug

"Here's your order" Earth said handing Gulf his order "Just act normal and Good luck" Earth wink making Gulf more nervous

Gulf reluctantly exits the cafe and walk across the street were the office is located.

Act normal Gulf, act normal

He chants as he nearing the entrance

Ah who am I kidding how am I exactly gonna act normal?

Gulf takes a deep breath before entering the building and greeting Lay with a smile

"Good morning P'Lay" Gulf greeted

"Morning Nong" Lay greet back with a smile "Khun Mew is here already"

Gulf face turn red just by hearing the Khun's name. Lay look at the Nong face who looks away from her

"Something wrong Nong?" Lay asked

"N-nothing Phi" Gulf pathetically stuttered "W-well I'll go now" Gulf didn't wait for Lay's answer as he sprints his way to the elevator pressing top floor where his boss's office is

Get it together Gulf


Sorry for the lame and long update!!!! I didn't know that I'll get more busier after Christmas break TvT. I try my best to update even my mind is still blank!

I dun know when will be the next update!And if you guys have any questions about the story or me ask away so I can answer them while thinking of what could happened next! Stay safe guys happy holiday! LOVE YOU ALL💗💫Keep shinish✨

Someone like you {MewGulf} *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now